q. coming out

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      the walk to andre's house was short but it felt like forever. i was still stuck in my head and couldn't even process most things properly.

when i got to his place, andre's younger sister was the one to welcome me in and i couldn't even remember what she had said to me by the time i was at andre's room.

i could hear viv shouting and through the crack of his door that was open she was pacing around his room.

"I'm not a fucking toy andre, i have my own feelings you know and I want to express them to other people! you can't go around lying to people about who you are and expect me to be your toy after all of it!" she shouted and i didn't want to see it go on so i walked in.

"are you guys okay?" i asked the obvious but I wanted to hear it.

"yup," they both shouted at the same time and viv rolled her eyes then stormed out of the room.

i walked towards andre who looked like he was on the verge of tears. we didn't speak and i watched him, seeing how put out he looked.

he seemed so disappointed in himself and the way he was looking at the small mirror infront of him proved how much self hatred he was feeling for himself in that moment.

"are you sure you guys are okay?" i asked again and he looked at me, tears brimming his eyes.

he shook his head and the looked down at his hands and i saw a tear fall and then another until he was crying.

"what is it?"

he looked at me again and this time he was searching my eyes for something and i could feel his self hate so much that it had almost began to strangle me.


"i'm gay."

that was all it took for me to take him into my arms and just hold him. i let him cry until he couldn't anymore. until all i could hear was his slow breaths.

"listen, i will love you and be by your side no matter what. it changes nothing for me because you're one of a kind andre and being gay won't change that," i told him, placing a kiss on his forehead and i could feel him smile.

i let him tell me all about it and how he had found out, he seemed so happy to just be open and talk about who he was and it made me so happy.

he told me vivian had been the one to accept him when he told her and she had agreed to keep it a secret. he told me about the summer dance that was coming soon and how he was scared of going alone because some guys at gym had started calling him gay.

dre told me about how he had asked viv to pretend to date him but she had said no and andre got a bit upset which made vivian upset too because he wasn't thinking about her feelings towards luke who she liked.

"hey, i understand where viv is coming from and you should too because she's literally in love with luke, just let her be,"  i told him, "but if it makes you feel any better I'll fake date you."

his eyes lit up at my last sentence and soon he was hugging me so tightly i could barely even breathe.

"i see you sorted it out," viv's voice came from his door. i turned around to see her smiling widely.

"I'm sorry about not thinking about your feelings," he apologised and she just shrugged and joined in on the hug.

hmm, how many
ppl guessed that he was gay?

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