z. life

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       the water glittered as the beautiful rays of the afternoon sun hit it. at the pool side sat; ethan, xav and gray and in the pool was; viv, dre and mac.

ma, isaac and  i where at the patio, making some barbecue dishes. isaac was an amazing cook. he did tricks with his eyes closed and still made the food taste phenomenal.

"isaac, you're a fucking handy man," dre was shouting from the pool earning a laugh from all of us.

i walked towards xav, sitting right next to him and he proceeded to place his hand around my shoulder.

"your mom scored," he commented, tasting the piece of meat i had given him and humming in delight.

i smiled, looking at ma who was blushing as isaac whispered something in her ear. she laughed and so did he and that ended up being the best view.

she was happy and that was all that mattered to me at this point - just like andre had told me.

getting up from the seat, grayson placed his arms on my legs making me shiver.

"babee, stop," i whined and he began tracing his fingers seductively on my bare skin causing my stomach to churn.

i sat on his lap, feeling him go hard under me almost immediately. i winked at him and he blushed causing ethan to laugh.

"i have an idea of what we can do after this," i whispered in his ear, feeling him go even harder.

i got up after pecking him slightly then saying, "i meant we could play jenga."

he rolled his eyes and i decided to get into the pool where viv and mac started to aggressively splash water at me and then resulted to a water fight.

"barbecue is ready," isaac shouted and we all ran to him, each grabbing a piece of meat.

"i can't believe they're no vegetarian options," mac commented, "rude."

she went inside the house where she got herself a whole ass salad and came outside to flex it on us - she never saw that bowl again because we all downed her food before she could eat it.

"i can't even with you guys."

"who knew salads could be that good," vivian said, teasing mac even more.

and that was how our day went. we forgot about all the bad that had been happening in our lives and the fact that my mom was constantly being stressed out by all the divorce papers.

it was a chill day but the fact that we were there together made it ten times more memorable.

because that's all you need in life - the people who make you happy and good barbecue dishes and vegetarian options for mackenzie's sake.

it was through them that i understood the meaning of life and the significance it held in today's reality.

that life is more than just a four letter word. it's a gift. it's a chance to tell a story. a chance to prove yourself.

which is exactly what i'll do

the end

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