l. walks

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     "he's so sweet," my mom told vivian who had been engaging her in boy talk.

ma was happy to talk about men because she had finally found someone who she liked after a whole year of dealing with heartbreak.

even though her and my dad were still technically married, she never let that keep her tied down to him. she knew that there was no way she'd get back with my father.

andre and i went up to my room and vivian ended up following us later.

"so, let's talk relationships," vivian said and she had this wide smile on her face as she looked at andre.

he looked away and i could tell this was not his topic. he seemed tense and uncomfortable but viv still went with it.

"you guys know luke in our school?" she asked us and we both nodded our heads in response. luke was this quiet anti social kid who never spoke.

no one was going to deny that he had good looks, it's just that nobody would actually dare to talk to him.

"well him and i have been talking."

we were both shook and andrew had his eyebrows raised as he tried to read her emotions to tell if she was lying. but then vivian pulled out her phone and she was showing us their dms.

"woah, i ship it," i told her, excitedly reading through most of their texts.

andre didn't speak and vivian seemed to know why because she whispered something to him and he just nodded.

what was that about?

soon enough, we were all staring out of the window like i did on a daily with our heads propped up on pillows and our bodies covered in blankets.

i waited to see if grayson would finally appear on the road like he always did waiting for me to join him in walking.

"what are you looking for?" andre asked one he noticed my movement.

"gray. we walk together on most nights and we haven't in a while. i miss him," i told him and turned my face to him to see his reaction.

"wow, that's fucking cute."

"there he is," vivian spoke up, pointing at grayson walking down the street.

i got up feeling excited to talk to him and put on a hoodie. they both gave me thumbs up and i rushed down the hall and out of the house before my mom could even notice or question me.

i was walking next to him in a minute and i could see viv making kissy faces at me from my bedroom window and andre dancing around.

"hello beautiful," he told me and then took my hand in his, interwining them.

somehow, the fact that i knew i had two people rooting for me led me to place my head on his shoulder.

"i missed our walks," i said, looking at the way the stars shined.

"i missed you," he teased, then bit his lip and looked down at me making my heart clench and unclench.

i looked down only now realising how relieving it actually was not to look him straight in the eye. this guy was making me nervous just by looking at me.

jesus christ.

i removed my head from his shoulder and attempted to walk in front of him but he used our interwined hands to twirl me back to him and then our chests were touching and my heart was hammering.

his face looked beautiful up close and for a second, i imagined him kissing me and it ended up being the best and worst thing ever. i was now sweating and being close to him was scary.

"um," i told him and we parted, i sighed and he looked at me. i couldn't tell the emotion he had on so i didn't try.

"goodnight lu,"

i didn't even get to reply, he was walking back and so was i. i couldn't look at andre and viv.

what had i done? could he have kissed me if i never talked or moved?

so, who wanted them to kiss & who thought  it was too soon?

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