d. surprise

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    ever since freshman year, i had sworn never to go to parties ever again.

it wasn't because i was socially awkward in large crowds nor because i had witnessed someone's death in one of them. it was for one sole reason and she had a name; mac.

mackenzie had hooked up with over 20 guys in the span of the three parties we had attended in our lifetime. she was not in her best mindstate in freshman year, she was going through alot.

and that had led her to fucking up her life in a two week time line in which she was labeled the fresh slut. she was ruined. but at crestford, people don't give a shit unless it's interesting or they gain something from it.

so when grayson had invited me to a party, i couldn't move. i couldn't even fucking breath. i had never imagined being in such a situation. ever.

he didn't know who he spent his lonely mornings and cold nights with. he didn't know the depth of my presence in his life, he didn't understand the precautions i had to live by.

so now here i stood, outside the biggest house i had ever seen, regretting my every decision. maybe this was why my mom had taken it upon herself to make decisions for us, i wasn't up to the task.

people blindly walked past me, not even taking a second look. i knew i looked different, my hair was shorter and darker than it had been before and my style was more simple.

it's not like i wanted people to give me a second look, infact i was happy no one did. i didn't want anyone to notice me.

not when I had the chance to avoid it.

"are you okay?" someone's voice had interrupted my thoughts.

there he was, grayson stood tall as usual holding this smile that made you want to smile back and punch it off his face all at once.

"thank God, i was about to lose my shit," i told him, sighing immediately.

"little disclaimer, i have a twin brother and he looks exactly like me," he replied, shrugging like it was something normal for him but, ofcourse, it was.

i didn't reply once i had spotted xavier on the staircase leading to the house. he held a bright smile, fist bumping anyone who was in his sight and next to him stood grayson's replica.

"bingo," he said, pointing at the two. i froze, feeling as if the world had began closing in on me.

how was i supposed to avoid this?

out of the house walked mac, she had her hair dyed pink - something she had wanted to do since freshman year - and she wore a cute black dress that had a slit on her back and stomach.

"where's your dumbass brother?" she asked xavier and ethan, grayson's brother. i could hear her due to how loud she had been shouting.

grayson was now tugging on the ends of my army green turtle neck, urging me to walk with him towards his friends.

i had never thought it would happen this soon, i could hear my heart thump in my ears as though it was on the verge of jumping out of my chest.

we were so damn close, i could see their heads turn towards us in a sort of slow motion and i almost fell.

"luna," mackenzie was the first to recognise me and she wasn't happy about it and it hurt.

maybe i was expecting a 'where have you been' or even something like a small smile that would reassure me that i wasn't all that bad.

but i was and i couldn't change it because the way she was staring at me proved it all. the look of pure anger and hatred, mirrored on xavier's face too.

they didn't want me.

"this is luna guys, the plus one who ditched me on friday," grayson spoke as if he didn't notice the obvious tension.

ethan shot him a look and from then on, the silence was deafening and the looks were all on me.



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