o. no more parties

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    the first thing i woke up to was the feeling of someone's hands on me and then the feeling of my legs tangled in someone else's. grayson.


i fucking swear.
i had to lie to your
mom that you were
over at my place
where is your ass.

i hope you
have a valid

i was
w/ gray

yes sis.

but I'm
still killing u

wow, so
sweet of you


now come
to my house


i could feel grayson start to wake up beside me so i sat and up and in a few so did he. he looked cute - his hair was ruffled and he looked so tired.

"mornin' lu," he greeted, wrapping his arms around me in a sweet hug.

"morning," i replied, placing my head on his shoulder. i felt him place a kiss on my head then stretch his arms.

i yawned slightly then got off the bed, realising we were at some random persons house. i didn't even know the person at all.

"oh fuck," i heard grayson cuss when he opened his phone to look at his texts.

i didn't check the ones on my phone because i knew my mom had left a bunch and i wasn't up for that. I'd only reply once i got to vivian's.

"i need to get going," i told him, wearing my shoes and then grabbing my stuff.

"text me," he said, his voice raspy and extremely attractive. he winked at me making me blush then i was unlocking the door and was out of the room.

the house was still dirty and people were asleep all over the living room and the dining table. i made my way out as fast i could and made a run for vivian's house which was close by.

as soon as her house came into view, i felt myself sigh in relief then text her about the fact that i was here.

get in

my mom thinks
you're here too
but she didn't come
to check so i don't
want her to see
you outside

i got into her house as fast as i could and met up with viv at the stairs where we rushed upstairs in the quietest way possible only stopping to breathe when we reached her bedroom.

i ended up texting my mom who had left me 56 text messages and 20 missed calls and 6 voice messages. she seemed extremely angry and worried all at once which ended up cutting my visit to vivian's place short as she needed me home asap.

vivian ended up driving me home and then telling me about how andre was at his place & i ended up texting him too.

thanks for coming
for dinner ♡ and
also driving
me to the party

sorry for
ditching :(

"where the hell have you been?" was the first thing my mom asked when i got into the house.

"at viv's," i told her, feeling guilty by the second. i knew she could tell when i lied to her but she brushed it off.

"no more parties, you had me worried sick and i was wondering where you are and vivian tells me you're at her place but i knew damn well that you weren't because she'd put you on the phone as proof," she told me.

"i'm sorry, please don't hate her for this," i begged her.

"oh i won't, this is all on you."

and somehow, i wasn't even mad when she told me that because i deserved it and i didn't want her hating viv.

well, her & gray are getting somewhere atleast.

clue: u guys remember that time when andre was acting weird at lunch & wasn't down to talk about relationships @ luna's house. what are your theories on that?

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