h. happier

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     "so, i've been seeing this guy," my mom begins and she's already blushing and smiling idiotically.

"no way, you go girl," i tell her and she giggles loudly and turns even redder.

i was happy for her, my dad had caused enough damage to our family because of one stupid little thing. he had broken my mom for his mistakes and he had ruined a family by walking away from his problems. he had lost a fortune.

"i want him to come for dinner soon but i just want to get your permission," she tells me and i can see the spark in her eyes, she's happy.

"don't worry about me, you do you and live your best life. I'm okay with it and even if i wasn't that shouldn't stop you. have fun ma," i replied, sending her a short smile then taking the last bite of my dinner then getting up to go to bed.

"thankyou dear,"

the smile on my face was back again and this time it stuck with me until i was in my room and on my bed, looking out of the window.

i saw him again, like i always did, his hands in his pocket and his head down. grayson had this way of walking that could intruge you easily. it was like he didn't know where he was going but he walked with so much purpose you would think he did.

but he never did, he followed the path until he was tired or until i joined him.

so that's what i did. i grabbed my hoodie and was out of the house before my mom could question it and was soon walking next to him down the street.

"why do you walk around here all the time?" i asked when he never noticed my presence. he didn't look startled.

"the silence is refreshing," he told me, then sent me a toothless smile.

we continued to walk in silence as i stared at the stars and he stared at the ground. for me, looking up seemed better because you could see the beauty the earth was capable of having even in this type of darkness.

i didn't need to look at the tarmac which looked better during the day, where the sun shined on asphalt making it glitter. i needed to look at the stars because they were only there at night and they were phenomenal.

"i'm sorry about mac and xav, they really do miss you it's just that their afriad you'll do what you did again," he says out of the blue.

"i get it. what i did was shitty and it's not like it was intentional at first but the fact that i never tried was awful, i just popped up and said suprise,"

he laughed and then i looked at him and he smiled, so then i laughed. then we were both laughing for no specific reason. our laughes echoed, bouncing back to us in a melodic tune.

it didn't matter if we looked mad because we were mad together and we were happy and having fun.

then we were back in silence but this one spoke volumes. he was telling me somehow that he was sorry i had to lose my friends like this.

"you know, in some way, i deserve worse than I'm getting now but i thank God this is all i'll get," i spoke.

"i guess you could say that. but i don't know the full story to judge you and while that's the case, being friends with you is more than amazing."

i had never felt happier.

  i love their walks. i wish i had someone to walk w/ me at night and just talk about life.


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