g. invisible

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     i could hear the commotion from a far distance, the way the grounds were filled with people who rushed into the tall building in a bid to get there on time yet i knew i was late but i stood at the gate and held my breath.

life had gotten hectic as the days passed, i never talked to grayson ever since but i could see him walk the street alone and sometimes i wanted to go join him and explain to him my story and find a friend in him again.

but i never did, so now no one knew the truth and school was back in and my mom was ecstatic about me seeing my old friends again that i couldn't find it in me to tell her they didn't want me.

"the second bell just rang," the guard at the gate told me, sending me a small smile as if trying to urge me to go on.

i nodded and walked towards the school with my head up high because i didn't care if they didn't like me, i was fine on my own because then i wouldn't have to worry about fake friends and boy problems and the drama that happened in crestford on a daily.

everyone had their eyes on me and from the looks of it, none of them meant well. i was an outcast in the first minute i had walked into the school.

"what are you even doing here?" a red head girl had asked me when I was close to my assigned locker.

"i mean, what do you think?" i replied, rolling my eyes at her stupid question.

"nah, like after what happened last week at joshua's party. the one you crashed," she reminded me as if there was a way i would have forgotten that night and how much it had ruined me.

"who fucking cares, it's not like the fact that no one likes me bothers me. i have better things to worry about than the petty issues of people here," i told her hoping she would walk away after that.

i didn't mean anything i had said, it all meant a lot to me because i missed my friends. they had been there for me since i was in diapers and now that i had the chance to get them back, how could that stop me?


i like your
jacket :)

i looked up and noticed him, ethan, mac and xavier walk into the school earning all the attention.

"good luck then," the girl laughed as she walked towards a group of people on the opposite end of the hall.

if you get killed
don't blame me

he smiled at me and i sent him a small one back before anyone could notice. then i was out of the halls before my heart exploded out of seeing my old friends so close to me yet so far.

and that's exactly how i got by the whole day, going the opposite of most people and minding my own business.

i left the school last and ended up feeling relieved when the halls were empty and i didn't have to make myself invisible when i walked through them.

grayson was waiting for me at the main doors, something i had told him not to do but he had done it anyway and ditched his friends for me.

"grayson," i whined as soon i spotted him waiting for me.

"hey lu," he said then bit his lip as he supressed a smile. i rolled my eyes at him and smiled, walking towards him.

"i don't want to get you killed and as far as my brain capacity goes I'm pretty sure that this could get you killed."

he shrugged and then broke out into a smile, "you know, i don't need them to tell me who to and who not to be friends with. I'm fine with making that decision on my own."

sometimes, grayson seemed too good to be true and i had only know him for a week.

  thoughts on
the story so far?

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