c. old friends

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     the sun had refused to rise and when ten came and my mom left we were still enveloped by the dark grey nimbus clouds that threatened a shower.

i sat alone on the kitchen table as i watched the old antique clock that had come as part of the house decoration. i had nothing else to do and had resulted to absent mindedly looking at the clock.

it was only when i noticed the same boy walking around the neighbourhood when i decided to leave the house.

maybe it was because i was bored or i didn't care if one of my old friends saw me, or maybe it was because i was simply out of my mind.

"um," was all i could manage to say when i was close enough to him.

he wore black ripped jeans and a multi coloured shirt that suited him well. he held a small smile once he saw me and i smiled back, feeling relieved that he didn't walk away from me like i had done to him the day before.

"mystery girl is back," he said, laughing slightly and i rolled my eyes at him.

"looks like she is," i replied, placing my hands in the pockets of my oversized jacket which was the only thing i had been wearing apart from my short blue shorts that could barely be seen.

"how the fuck are you not feeling cold," he asked, taking note of my outfit that seemed to not even be one.

"it's not that cold, you're being dramatic," i told him, walking next to him towards an unkown direction.

for a while, we conversed like old friends who had found each other after the longest time ever. he was an easy person to talk to and even though i didn't even know his name, i felt like i had known the guy for a long time.

"i don't even know your name but i know your whole fucking family," i told him suddenly finding it weird how i knew so much about him in the span of time we had been talking.

"i'm grayson," he replied, his voice just above a whisper almost as if he was afraid to say his own name.


before he could reply his phone began ringing interrupting our little peace. i continued to walk forward, taking in the familiar surroundings that i had never thought i would see again.

it felt foreign but like at home all at once and i loved the new feeling.

"xavier you little bitch, mac's going to kill you!" i heard grayson speak and i stopped immediately, my heart rate increasing almost immediately.

there was no way he said mac and xavier, my old bestfriends before i moved without even saying a goodbye. no calls, no texts, nothing. i had been such an awful friend to them.

"does ethan know?" he asked, smiling slightly at the response i couldn't hear.

i felt my legs start to wobble slightly, i still couldn't believe what he had said. i must have been dreaming.

there was no way this random dude i had encountered was close friends with the people i was hoping to avoid utill school was back in. there was no way.

i mean, what were the chances? how the fuck did i get so unlucky to just land on the one guy who would inevitably lead me back to my old friends.

"I'll be there, mind if i bring a plus one?" he asked, looking at me then winking to signal he meant i was the plus one.

i shook my head no but he seemed to take no notice of my effort and as soon as he was off the phone he began explaining how his friend xavier and brother, ethan, had spray painted his other friend mackenzie's car pink and they needed his help to fix it.

it was typical of xavier to do pranks on mac that he later on regretted so this didn't seem new to me but i wasn't about to show up there and expect them to be all smiles with me.

"i- i can't come, my mom is on her way back from work and i should be in the house waiting for her. I'm sorry, maybe next time," i lied, feeling my left hand spasm slightly due to me lying.

he watched it and i could tell he detected the lie but he still let me go and i thanked God for it.

this was
long and boring.
need to work on it.

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