m. dinner

10 3 14


     "but i invited isaac for dinner and now you're going for a party?" my mom asked sounding dissapointed that i hadn't checked in with her.

"ma, i promise we can still have dinner it's not like I'll be at the party all night and i won't even drink," i assured her even though i knew damn well i would.

she gave me a suspicious look, almost as if she could read my thoughts and then she sighed looking at the time on her phone.

"how about you meet him then you can go to the party after," she suggested and i knew not to object or else i wouldn't even be going to that party.

"can andre come for the dinner?" i asked not wanting to be alone as i knew that viv was out with luke.


and with that i was back in my room texting andre to come to my place and to dress for the part but bring extra clothes for the party. then soon enough he was at our door, dressed formally in a nice black suit.

"wow, your skin is glowing," i decided to compliment him.

"thankyou, y'all look gorgeous," he told my mom and i who were dressed in matching red dresses.

we set the table and helped my mom with the finishing touches and then we were waiting for isaac while listening to my mom rant about how nervous and scared she was.

the bell interrupted her and i took it upon myself to open the door as andre helped to calm my mom down. at the door stood a man with brunette curls and a stuble to match. he wore a sleek grey suit that complimented his pale skin colour and held a smile the whole time that he stood at the door.

"hi, you must be flora's daughter," he said, going in for a hug. i accepted it and then opened the door wider for him to get in.

then andre was right beside me, helping me close the door and then leading isaac to the dining table. i gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.

it seemed that my mom's nerves had eased and when isaac saw her, i could feel the affection in the room and i thanked God for inviting dre here.

he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it before engulfing her in a hug and then we were soon seated at the table enjoying my mom's masterpiece of a meal while the two conversed.

occasionally, i chipped in to make sure that my mom knew i was fully happy and supportive of her and even andre was into it and was talking too.

"this food is amazing ms ontario," dre had told my mom who seemed ecstatic at the compliment.

when dinner was almost over, andre and i took it as our cue to leave and were back in my room changing into more simple outfits and then leaving the house without causing any sort of commotion.

"so, how do you feel?" was the first thing andre had asked me when we got into his car and began driving.

"it's sort of mixed feelings. I'm happy for her but it feels so foreign to see my mom with another man that a part of me doesn't want it," i admitted.

removing one of his hands from the steering wheel, he interlocked our hands then squeezed mine.

"it's okay to feel that way girl, viv felt the exact same when her mom was coming with a new mans every damn week but trust me, you'll get used to it and seeing your mom happy will end up being your priority."

and then i was back to feeling relaxed and ready for that party. once again, i was happy that i had sat at that lunch table because it had paid off.

awe i love
this friendship.

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