x. date

12 1 0


      before i even knew it grayson and i were outside a restaurant. it gave off a classic vibe, with some neon lights all over the building and the checkered floors that you saw in the movies.

a jukebox was at the corner of the room playing some old music that seemed to set the mood even more.

"wow gray, you really outdid yourself," i commented as i had never seen this place in my entire life.

we sat down at a booth, where it got even more cliche when the waiter came to take our order in roller skates. she was eyeing grayson through it all and i tried to pretend it didn't bother me.

"coming right up," she spoke, sending him a short wink then skating away.

"i don't like her," i told him and he chuckled immediately, shrugging when i asked him what was funny.

dinner was great and it consisted of a lot of talking and eating - i mean what else do you do at a restaurant date. we left the place at 1am, half sober and delirious because of the wine grayson had somehow managed to buy.

we were back in our neighbourhood before we knew it, taking a walk down the street like old times.

"i didn't think coming back here would be a good idea," i heard myself say.

he grabbed my hands and then began dancing around while forcing me to follow his moves and soon enough, i did. our laughs echoed just like the one night where we couldn't stop laughing.

the sounds bounced back to us and that was the melody we used to dance not caring about the stares we could get.

abruptly, he placed his lips on mine sending a wave of butterflies across my stomach and then goosebumps were appearing all over my skin.

our lips moved in sync twice before we pulled away, smiling idiotically.

"it feels good to kiss you whenever i want," he told me, grinning.

we looked up to the stars, where the moon shone brighter than most days.



"will you-"

"be my boyfriend," i interrupted because beating all the gender roles seemed to be one thing i wanted to do.

he smiled and i was smiling right back at him then he nodded, blushing so red that i couldn't even tell if he was real.

"i'd love to," he replied, placing a soft, short kiss on my lips.

this guy would be the death of me.

i love girls who
beat gender roles!1!

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