y. return

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      there's always going to be that one thing that ruins the happiness that you worked for. because life is not all about sunshine and rainbows.

it's about the storm before the rainbow and the scorching sun that burns. it's about the pain and the loss, the finding and the losing it all over again.

it's about how well you react to these issues. it will never be easy and we have to accept the harsh reality that not everything is perfect and it's just life.

so when the bell rang that morning, i didn't expect it to be anyone but one of my close friends or even isaac.

opening that door was easy, but what was on the other end was not. it was the man who had left us, abandoned us, forgotten us, betrayed us. name it!

he was there, that stupid smile he liked to put on to show he was sorry when in reality the bitch didn't even care. he did not give a damn if we were alive or if we had died in his arms.

he would get up and he would fucking walk away from his problems. he didn't even deserve to be called a man.

he didn't deserve to be called a father.

"ma," i trailed off, my voice cutting in my throat. i couldn't move, breathing had become an issue and i couldn't remember how to speak.

"what is-" that was my mother's voice. it was her breaking down in the middle of her sentence because she wasn't prepared for what she saw.

she wasn't ready to see the man who had ruined her and her family. yet he stood at the door, wanting forgiveness.

"flora, my love," he spoke and i gave him this look of pure disgust. how dare he call her his love?

"don't you fucking dare go close to her," i shouted, standing infront of my mom who fell to the ground.

"oh, lulu. becoming protective of mama, how cute," he said in a baby voice as if he was teasing me.

then i couldn't hold it in anymore and i was throwing mad punches at him. it was one, two, three before my mom got up to stop me. it was four, five, six before i actually stopped.

i could see the blood dripping from his nose and it felt good to finally show him that he was nothing. that he was full of himself for no reason at all.

there were people better than him. i was better than him. ma was better than him. we were better.

"get the fuck out. the only time ma will see you is when you're signing the divorce papers. before then, we won't see you. not even once," i spat and he was up then out in a minute.

i sat back down with ma, letting her let out all her emotions.

ew = her dad

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