u. complete

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      i sat on the curb alone, watching as people's cars left the compound.

it had been a night to remember, one that would forever be imprinted in my brain because it was the day i got my hope back and regained my dignity.

"hi angel," i heard a voice speak, i didn't need to look to know .

it was the boy that i was slowly but surely falling in love with. it was the boy that had taken my heart and held it hostage. he was the person who had first spoken to me when i came back to long valley. he was grayson.

"hi handsome," i replied, looking down at my fingers. he sat next to me and we both looked at the asphalt.

"i'm sorry," he started and i turned to look at him, "i missed you."

"i missed you too and you don't have to be sorry, you would have never known that i was fake dating dre," i told him.

"but i didn't listen when you tried to speak to me, i just fucking yelled," he whispered, sounding put out.

"don't beat yourself up for it. if i saw you kissing another girl, it would hurt me so much i wouldn't be able to think," i assured him, wanting him to know that i understood.

we stood up, hand in hand and walked to his car which was parked in the same place we had kissed.

he placed his hand on my face, removing the strand of hair that was hiding it. his eyes searched around my face and i watched them.

without warning, he placed his lips on mine firmly and gently. he held me close to him just like i had done the last time we kissed and i didn't object.

he opened the car door while we still kissed and then placed me on the back seat. he got in himself then closed the door behind him. i watched the way his eyes darkened and filled with lust.

then he was on top of me, kissing me like there was no tommorow. the sound of our lips attaching and detaching was all we could hear apart from the light drizzles that had began to fall.

his kisses moved from my lips to my jawline and then to my neck where he began to suck aggressively. he started to undress me while still leaving kisses all over my neck.

i let out a soft moan and then more followed as his lips travelled to my collarbone and then to my breasts.

i was then removing his suit just like he had done to my dress, feeling all his muscles as i went. soon, we were only in our underwears.

grayson took his lips back up until they were at my ears.

"i want you so fucking bad," he said seductively making me bite my lip.

i flipped us over so that i could leave love marks all over him just like he did for me. his moans filled the car and mine followed suit.

we were complete next to eachother and even he was moving under me, on top of me and inside me i felt complete.

the rain got heavier and we got sloppier as we started to get tired. he pulled out next me and we came at the same time.

we fell asleep tangled with eachother and grayson even managed to find a blanket in the car which he used to cover us up.

i had never felt happier.

i hate
smut ew.

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