p. old memories

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      sometimes the old memories liked to come and haunt me. they would come when i least expected but they would be so vivid it was almost like reliving the days over and over again.

i could remember when mackenzie, xavier and i used to hangout and the pain of the loss had started to burn so fiercely in my chest that breathing had become a problem.

i missed our late night drives, how we used to talk about everything and the way we always laughed when we were together and how we never left each other's side.

the way they were there for me when i could feel our family breaking, the way i would sleep at their houses to get over my own demons and how xav would play his guitar for me and make me feel better.

how mackenzie had grown from being bulimic and then even became anorexic, how she had fought so many times for her own life.

how she would sing the fight song when times got worse for her and how she would make sure no one was feeling down even when she was going through hell.

i missed the way we stuck together even when times were so hard and so bad that we could feel ourselves going but we stood our ground and got out of the hell we called our life.

but then i ruined it all, i sliced it in half and just let it go. even though it was because of my dad who had always just had this pride that brought him failure.

he lost his job, got bankrupt and then started using his friends for money even when he knew he couldn't pay them back.

we left the city that night because we didn't know if we would be alive the next day.

people were showing up at our house and threatening to murder all of us if we didn't give them the money.

we crashed that night, into a ditch that was gradually filling up with water and instead of my dad thinking of a solution he walked out on us. he opened the car door and he got himself out of the ditch and he walked away.

he left us to die, to rot and to be left in the forgotten. he was cruel, he was vile and he was stupid.

"luna, luna!" i could hear my mom shout and i wasn't sure if it was a dream or if it was reality.

then i drifted back into focus and i was on the floor, coughing and crying. the air was knocked back into my lungs and i gasped.

"sweetie, you scared me," she spoke and by her voice, she was still scared.

what had just happened?

this was sort
of a filler.

edit; i will be really busy with school for the next months & I'm thinking of having a rush post, where i fully release the book because i don't want y'all to wait almost 3months for an update.

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