Don't Touch

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Iz's POV







I rolled my eyes at what Ben was saying. The past three days he's been apologizing nonstop. When I ignore him, he gets all sad and sappy. But when I actually talk to him, he gets angry! He's like a damn girl on her period. I think he's bipolar, though.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed lots of patience to deal with this boy. "Ben, for the last damn time, it's okay! Apology accepted. So can you, like, leave?"

He stared at me for a long time. I was getting uncomfortable very fast with that intense gaze. Then he sighed. "Okay, I'll leave you alone." He said as he turned around and left to his room.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my backpack off the table. I grabbed the car keys that Ben had handed me earlier. I couldn't wait to see what car my dad had gotten me. I slipped out of the studio and into the tunnels. I did my usual routine as to how to leave the underground tunnels. It was hard but after a few tries I finally managed to remember how to leave this place. I was greeted by cold wind and I shivered. I covered my head with the hood of my sweater and I walked to the hidden parking lot.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw the black Corvette Stingray parked next to the red mustang. I almost died right then and there. I took a deep breath and grinned. I would have to say thank you to my dad when I got the chance.

As I got into the amazing leather seat I smiled remembering parts of my childhood. I remembered when I was 6 I decided I wanted to design sports cars. At 8 years old, I learned all I could about cars, especially sports. When I was 13, my dad took me to a race track and had an instructor teach me how to drive one. When I was 15, my dad officially let me drive one.

I felt a thrill when I heard the car purr to life. "I'm so going to enjoy this every damned morning!" I say excitedly.

I sped off to school in my new ride.


When I got to the school, I carefully parked my car. I could not let anything happen to it. I got out and I adjusted my glasses. I smiled at the open mouthed kids and I quickly started walking away from the students that started circling my car. "Don't touch!" I yelled back when I saw a brown haired guy touch my car.

I shook my head as I crossed the parking lot. But to my luck, a guy in a motorcycle passed too close to me. "Watch it, dumbass!" I hissed. He almost ran me over. I glared back at him but he was too busy checking his phone. He had a a black leather jacket with dark jeans.

Annoyed, I walked to the office to get my schedule. The lady in the office smiled warmly at me and I smiled back. As I left the office, a guy with brown hair ran into me.

I groaned in pain. I hurt my ankle when I ran into this dumbass. I glared at him while he looked at me, bewildered. After a few seconds the shock and surprise was gone, replaced by a guarded expression. He smirked. "Hey, you gotta watch out where you're going."

I was speechless. I mean, how couldn't I have been? He was movie star gorgeous, his eyes even more amazing than anything else I have ever seen in my entire life. The brilliant golden color of his eyes were framed by long, thick lashes that made his eyes... shine. Meeting him was eerie yet thrilling. I was feeling all types of weird. Odd part is, I didn't care if it was weird. It felt oddly right.

The weirdest part of all, was that I knew him. I didn't know how, or why but the recognition was there. Within the deepest, darkest, confined pieces of my soul I knew him.

I was beyond crazy.

"Watch where I'm going? You should watch where you're going!" I hissed. My shock was gone, replaced by annoyance and anger.

He laughed and to my annoyance, that deep sound made my insides tighten. In a really good way. What the fudge buckets?

He stepped closer to me and I realized just how tall he was. He was a good three- four inches taller than me. "My name is..." His eyes flashed a copper color for a second but then a second later it returned to its normal breathtaking gold. "Just call me, Raz." He muttered looking into my eyes.

And just like that, he turned around and started heading to his classroom.


Oh my gosh this chapter gets me so excited! I can't tell you who the mystery guy is but you'll find out soon enough ;)

I will try to update at least once every two weeks. If I don't, I apologize in advanced but I'll try my hardest.

QOTC: Blue eyes, green eyes, or hazel eyes?

AOTC: I choose hazel. I just love it when the color changes :P

P.S. I want to know what you think about my story. If you have any suggestions, ideas, random questions, or anything of the like, feel free to send me a message on WattPad. I will do the bast I can to answer all of the questions y'all send.

As usual...

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Till the next chapter! (・ω・)ノ

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