Angel's Aren't Addicted To Chocolate

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Picture of Raziel to the side ------->

At least what I imagine him to look.

This fine human being is Nate Garner cx

The song to the side is, Like A Drum by Guy Sebastian.

I looked at him as if he was crazy. "What are you talking about?"

He sighed and tightened his hand around mine. I flinched and I ignored the hurt in Luc's eyes. How can he be hurt? He barely knows me and he's insane! I am not going to become immortal when I turn 18! He needs to go into a freaking asylum.

"Look, Luc. I don't know what you've been taking but you need to stop. Drugs are bad for your brain." I told him, seriously concerned.

Lucian rolled his eyes at me. "I am not on drugs, Isabelle. What I am saying is one hundred percent true."

It can't be true, right? I mean, I can't become in angel just like that! I shook my head furiously. "No. No. No,you're lying. This can't happen!" I ignored the hysteria in my voice.

This seriously can't be happening. It's just not possible. Like at all. It can't be!

Lucian glanced at Raz and he just shrugged. Luc sighed and closed his eyes.

It's not true. I am not an angel. How can I be an angel. I'm addicted to chocolate surely angels aren't addicted to anything right? I can't be an angel!

Iz. Calm down. Stark said in my head.

I can't! I can't calm down. Oh my brownies, I'm going to have a panic attack. And it was true. Anxiety and fear started clawing away at me and I started having a hard time breathing.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Raz say frantically.

"She is having a panic attack." Lucian said.

I felt a hand press against the back of my head. I put my head in between my legs and I felt better. This position made me breathe better.

"Just breath, Iz. Breathe." I heard Lucian whisper. He kept rubbing circles on my back and I felt myself relax.

I started taking deep breaths and when the attack was over I looked at Lucian and gave him a shaky smile. "Thanks."

His mouth tilted upwards in a boyish smile and my stomach went into a frenzy. "Do not worry about it, Izzy." His blue eyes stared deep into my own and my heart started beating in an abnormally fast pace. I guess he knew what effect he had on me because his fingers started massaging my back. His long fingers pressed smoothly into my back and my breath hitched. He loved this so much that I saw his eyes brighten in delight.

He got closer to me and my eyes widened when I felt the warmth his body radiated.

"Are you okay now, Iz?" Raz interrupted. His voice was hard and irritated.

Luc's eyes dimmed and his smile faded. My heart hurt. I wanted to see that smile again. God, I really wanted to see that smile again.

He moved away from me and I felt cold. I looked at Raz and he had an unreadable expression on his face. "I have to go, Lucian." He said. He looked at me and his eyes softened. "I'll contact you later, Iz." With that he left my room and we were left in silence.

"We should get you to your father. He dislikes me." Lucian said. His voice was deep and smooth and his voice soothed me deeply.

I smiled at him. "He dislikes everyone who's a male and talks to me."

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