Shit! Iz! It's Me!

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I woke up with a groan. My body hurt a lot and for a second I forgot what had happened to me. I kept my eyes closed because I felt really dizzy.

I wish I could say I really did forget everything that happened.

The memories came at me like a train and I gasped. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly.

I was in my room and... I wasn't alone. I could hear someone whistling in my bathroom.

I reached for my nightstand and I was momentarily relieved when I saw the dagger I carried from that... place. I held it to my chest and I stood up. My eyes widened when I didn't feel so much pain as I did before. I gulped softly and crept along the walls of my room and I reached for the door knob of the bathroom.

I screamed when the door opened quickly and Raz's face came into view.

"Shit! Iz! It's me! Please put that dagger down." He said cautiously. His hands were up in surrender.

"What are you doing in my room!" I hissed but lowered the dagger.

He looked at me sheepishly. "I was taking care of you."

I looked at him confused. "How were you taking care of me? Oh my brownies, did you kidnap me!?"

It was his turn to look confused. "Oh my brownies? Who says that?" He muttered to himself. He shook his head and looked at me. "I found you, okay? You were unconscious so I took you to my car and then I saw your phone. I noticed you had it on Maps, so I suspected it would lead me to your house. And it did. Though it's not a house." He raised an eyebrow.

My eyes widened. My dad is going to kill me! If he finds out I took someone to the studio my existence would be miserable. "Uh... Is there any way you can forget about this place?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He shrugged and his smile was replaced with a grin. "I could. On one condition."

I groaned but I nodded softly. "What is the condition?"

My eyes narrowed at him. He took two steps closer until we were chest to chest. I stopped breathing for a whole second. Having a drop dead gorgeous guy in front of me was just breathtaking in so many ways. I looked up slightly to look into his golden eyes. "Go on a date with-"

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice said. Shivers ran down and up my spine and my whole body felt tingly when I heard that voice. I took a step back from Raz and ignored the hurt in his eyes.

"What are you doing here, Luc?" I asked slightly surprised when I saw the owner of that deep voice.

He shrugged at me and avoided looking at me in the eye. "I helped Raz take care of you. I stepped out to bring you something to eat." That's when I noticed the brown paper bag in his hands. "Are double chocolate muffins okay?"

My eyes widened in joy. "Oh my brownies, yes! Those are my favorite! Gimme!" I literally ran to him and took the paper bag from his hands. "That was rude but you just don't understand how much I love-" my breath hitched when I noticed the way his eyes glowed in amusement. Those eyes were just so damn beautiful. "Double chocolate muffins." I breathed.

He chuckled and that sound alone did so many things to my body... Oh my, I need to get my teenage hormones in check. I blushed and turn around so he wouldn't see the tinge of pink on my face.

I heard him laugh silently and my face grew even more red. I turned to look at Raz and saw so much sadness in his eyes that it made my heart clench. I wonder what was wrong with him.

I sat down on my bed and looked inside the bag. The chocolaty goodness was calling my name. I looked up at Luc and saw he was eating a double chocolate muffin for himself.

I gaped at him. "How did you...?"

He laughed and my stomach was bombarded with thousands of butterflies. His laugh was so amazing. It made him look so young and handsome. "I guess I kind of knew you would not share those muffins so I got one before I gave it to you."

"You seem to know a lot about her." Raz muttered darkly. But I barely heard him.
"That's not cool, Luc!" I said and smiled at him. I shook my head and brought my knees up to my chest. "Aren't they so good?" I asked him.

He licked his fingers and oh my gosh that made my brain fill with so many bad thoughts. I felt my face heat up and I looked down, suddenly interested in my bed. "They would be pretty good." He muttered. "If I were human."

I looked up at him, trying to decipher what he had said. After a few seconds I gave up and I turned my head to the side and I saw Raz glaring at Luc. I raised an eyebrow at him and I did something that my parents would literally die if they saw. I offered him a muffin. "Would you want to taste this chocolaty goodness, Raz?"

Raz snapped his eyes to me, surprise filling them. "You want to share your muffins with me?"

I nodded and when I saw him hesitate I scowled. "It's a rare sight seeing me share so I suggest you take this muffin and eat it before I kick you." I said with a warning in my tone. I was serious. I wasn't afraid of hitting him.

He gulped and nodded quickly. He took the muffin and ate it pretty fast. "Damn that was good." He said when he finished. I beamed at him and finished my own muffin.

When I finished I saw Luc step forward till he was right in front of me. "Here let me put the bag in the trash for you." His voice was low and it made my breath quicken. I nodded and I handed him the bag. He looked at me in the eyes and my eyes widened. Our fingers touched for more than a second and it sent my stomach into a frenzy.

He stepped back and put the trash in my trash can. "There you go-"

"What are you doing here?" Ben entered my room. His voice was filled with so much hatred and he was literally seething with rage.

I stood up and walked up to Ben. "Ben, relax. Luc and Raz are my friends."

Ben surprised the hell out of me when he shoved me out the way. "Don't get in the middle of things you don't understand, Isabelle." He growled. I fell to the ground with a thump and I didn't bother getting up. I was just too shocked.

Luc immediately went to my side and he helped my up. He studied me intently. "Are you okay, Iz?" He asked me softly.

I nodded. "I'm fine, Luc." I looked at Raz who had his hand wrapped around Ben's throat. How did that happen so fast?

I shook my head and stopped Raz. "Stop it, Raz. Leave him be!" I yelled at him when he didn't listen to me.

Ben suddenly started laughing. "That's what you go as now? Raz? Wow so original, Raziel." His voice was filled with so much venom that I was actually scared.

Luc wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back against his chest. "Stay back, Izzy." He muttered softly. His hot breath fanned my ear and I shivered. I could feel his heart thumping a strong and soothing rhythm while mine felt like it was going to leap out my chest.

I watched the scene unfold in front of me with wide eyes.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Ben." Raz said. His eyes had changed into a copper color instead of their usual gold. Raz's hand seemed to tighten around Ben's neck but Ben seemed unfazed.

"Yeah well, old Patch hired me to take care of his angel." Ben said in a mocking tone. Then his eyes darted to Luc, behind me. "Ah, the two brothers united. How sweet."

Luc's grip tightened around me. It didn't hurt, it actually felt reassuring. I knew with my whole soul that Luc would rather die than to put me in danger. Before he could say anything, someone else ran into my room.

Alarm and rage was written all over his face. "Let go of my daughter, Lucian!" My dad growled, venomously.
*gasps* Anyone see that coming?

I actually kinda like how this chapter turned out. Though it was weird but I do kinda like it.

QOTC: What's your favorite junk food?

MAOTC: Cheetos! And double chocolate muffins :P

As always...
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Till the next chapter! (・ω・)ノ

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