Damn Justin Bieber

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I was beyond bored. I stood up from my bed and I put on my favorite hoodie. I walked out of my room with a grim expression.

"What's up?" Ben's voice stopped me. I looked over at him and I remembered when I used to have a crush on him. Not anymore.

"I'm bored." I muttered.

He nodded. "Well, I'll let you be. I have a date." He said as he ran a hand through his hair and left the studio.

I groaned as I threw myself at the couch. "Damn guys. Damn tv. Damn boredom. Damn lame ass Ben. Damn Stark." I murmured darkly.

Why am I being damned? Stark's voice suddenly appeared.

With an annoyed determination I ignored him and kept damning everything. "Damn the color orange. Damn the color yellow. Damn the color brown. Damn styrofoam. Damn Justin Bieber. Damn Andy biersack... Actually no. Andy biersack is good." I said to myself. I groaned again and went on. "Damn loneliness. Damn barbies, never liked them anyway. Damn Dora the Explorer."

I felt my phone vibrate on my tummy and I took my phone out of the pocket of my hoodie. "What do you want and don't waste my time." I said darkly.

Raz's amused laugh hit me like a slap of cold water. "Well I wanted to see if you wanted to go somewhere. I don't know if it'll be a waste of your time but I'd like to think otherwise."

I huffed. "What makes you think I'd go out with you?"

I could practically hear the smirk on his face. "Well, are you bored?"

I narrowed my eyes at nothing in particular. "What if I am? What difference does it make?"

"Well, my sweet. I am the answer to your prayer. I will make sure you are not bored."

I considered my options. "Where are we going to go? It's fall and it's cold. I don't like being cold."

He chuckled. "That is for me to know and for you to find out. I promise you won't be cold. So will you consider going with me?"

I twirled a strand of my hair around my finger. "Maybe. What exactly are we going to do?"

He sighed. "I am obviously at a loss here because you won't stop asking questions. Alright. I want to show you something at the library. Plus, I thought you'd want a ride on my motorcycle."

I groaned. "Okay, fine. I'll go with you. Because I don't trust you, I will meet you at the place we will be meeting at."

"Fine with me. Be there in thirty." He said and he hung up.

I groaned but I stood up. I went to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. Black eyes stared back at me. I had dark circles under my eyes and I sighed. I went to my vanity and took out my makeup. I hid the dark circles under my eyes and I applied mascara and light lipstick.

Once I finished I walked into my closet and picked out ripped black skinny jeans, black converse, and a black sweater. I looked for a black beanie and when I found it I grinned. I was glad I went shopping a few days ago.

Since I took a shower in the morning, I applied a little bit of my favourite perfume. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I glanced at the time and winced when I saw I only had ten minutes to get there. I groaned and looked for my keys. Once I found them, I speed walked to the latch that door out of the tunnels.

I groaned and really wished I could live somewhere else. Don't get me wrong, the studio was gorgeous and amazing but it was hard leaving. There were so many tunnels. That's the purpose of it, dumbass. I thought to myself.

I groaned again and made sure I had everything. A pen, iPhone, rape whistle, keys, and the little dagger my dad had me carrying around for protection. It looked like a normal pen but it really wasn't. It worked as one but when you pressed the little button on the side a wicked dagger slid out of it. It was weird because how could a dagger fit in a damn pen? That was beyond me.

Once I saw my Ferrari I grinned. I slid in and ignited the engine. I loved it when the engine purred to life. I left the secret parking lot off to see Raz.


When I got there the damned place was empty! I called Raz several times but he wouldn't pick up. I groaned and cursed myself for even agreeing to come here with Raz.

I leaned against my car and check my iPhone for any messages from Raz. None. I growled in frustration and I was about to throw my phone to the ground when I heard a muffled scream.

I raised an eyebrow and went to expect the sound. For safety and comfort, I reached inside my pocket and touched the dagger pen. I held it with a firm grip. As I got closer the screaming got louder. I walked between the alley's and my eyes narrowed when I saw no one there.

I tilted my head to the side and listened intently. I still heard the muffled scream. It was endless and it didn't stop. I walked further into the alley and I could swear I still heard the noise. I studied the walls around me and my eyes widened when I saw a handprint. It was black and when I put my hand on it, it fit my hand perfectly. And as if magic, I heard a wall being slid on the ground, slow and silent.

My eyes widened when I saw a patch of the concrete slid away displaying a spiral set of stairs. I knew something about this wasn't right but curiosity got the best of me.

I went down the steps and when it was pitch black I took my iPhone out and turned on the flashlight. I walked toward the sound and I stopped when I saw a woman tied up.

She was sobbing quietly and she wouldn't stop shaking. She had dark brown hair and a beautiful face. One that had bruises all over it. My hand started to shake and I almost dropped my phone. I didn't know what to do.

A pair of arms grabbed my from behind and covered my mouth. I tried to scream and I took my pen out. I pressed the button and the dagger shot out. "Oh my god, Iz, it's me Raz!" He said next to my ear. "Don't kill me!" He whispered.

Still not knowing what do, I wrenched myself from his arms and I turned around to stare at him. "What are you doing here?" I hissed.

He looked at me with his golden eyes. "I was late but I saw your car. I didn't know where you were so I went inside and looked for you. When I couldn't find you, I left the library and looked everywhere for you. And then I found that entrance and I entered hoping like hell you weren't here. But here we are." He lifted his eyes from me to the girl in the chair.

Raz seemed to be shocked at seeing her. Confusion, shock, and concern glinted from those beautiful golden eyes. I turned around and saw that the girl was staring at him the same way. But there was a glint of something else behind her eyes, something that made my chest tighten painfully.

Raz stepped forward, closer to the girl. He hesitated before he ran to her. He untied the ropes from her and he kissed her forehead once she was free. They stood there together, hugging each other.

Not wanting to see anymore, I turned around. Tears pricked the backs of my eyes but I blinked them away. I will not cry for a boy. I walked away, leaving them alone.

Suddenly a pair of arms shot out and grabbed me by shoulders. I screamed but it was too late. Something hit the back of my head and I could hear Raz yelling my name before I started losing consciousness.

Iz! Starks voice yelled in my head frantically. But I saw or heard nothing no more.


Oh my brownies! I can't believe this is my third update in a two week interval! I am proud of myself.

QOTC: Should I keep doing QOTC?

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