Misleading Trouble

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I sat in my bed. The Army was planning something, I just knew it. I looked at the calendar. April 1, 2019, of course, April Fool's Day.
Dusk Texted me.

Hey Red.

Hey Dusk.

Listen come to the hotel.

Dusk, it's seven in the morning.

Many soldiers were still adjusting to the time here and it was Saturday.
I'm sure most of the soldiers who were usually early risers in their various homes were still sound asleep.

Pfft, just come, Alright?
Please Red...

Fine I'll be out in a minute

I slipped on my hoodie and my sneakers. I walked outside the hotel and Dusk was waiting.
She pulled me in for a deep embrace. Weird I thought to myself. Pen came outside and she looked shocked to see me. She glared at Dusk as if her eyes were saying 'What are you doing?!' It's official the Army's hiding something. I stared at the two in front of me, my aqua-marine-like eyes staring into their souls. Pen's soul... Locked tight, only to be opened by a select few. Dusk's, on the other hand, opened for me without a second thought. I knew this would not be the case if I didn't know much about her, it was almost as if I had an access key into her soul. She smiled awkwardly when she really understand what I was doing and she started to copy my movements, I guess this was copyrighting body language. She did this I guess because she wanted to intimidate me, but it didn't work. She can't intimidate me, she's my best friend and stands beside me as we lead together, side by side.
Anyway, her eyes definitely confirmed my suspicions, then a bag went over my head, everything was black...
I woke up disoriented, the bag still on my head. I couldn't see through it except for the immense light bleeding through.
"Hello, finally wake up?" said a voice. It was slightly darker that Shadow's and a little more gravelly. That's when it hit me like a train.
"Shadowstrike?" I asked the open air
"with pleasure, Red."
Her voice sent chills down my spine.
"Where's the Army? Where are my friends?"
"Well.... That's a little harsh, isn't it Red?" Shadowstrike laughed
"Don't worry Red we're coming! It's okay, just stay calm!" I heard Dusk yell from the distance
I felt two arms grab my shoulders. I winced in pain as the grip tightened and twisted.
"Hurry!" I exclaimed
Soon the bag was thrown off of my head. Shadow was back now and she seemed a little zoned out. I wasn't too worried. I simply hugged her and she seemed to be a little better, not too much of her up in the clouds.
Dusk laughed nervously as I looked up at her.
"What's wrong?" I asked
She grabbed my hand and ran out the door with me dragging behind, "Where are we going?"
she dragged me to another building where the Army stood. "Suprise Red!" they all exclaimed
I was so confused "Huh?" I asked
They laughed " We're taking you to Disneyland."
Dusk stood back and let me react I was so happy. Dusk then left and came back with a pie.
" and this...." she whispered as she looked down at the pie " Is for giving me a heart attack this morning!" she exclaimed
Then she smashed the pie in my face, my vision was black and white.
"DUSK!" I yelled
She chuckled " Happy April Fools day!"
I licked my lips. " Don't worry we're still going to Disneyland." she assured
I grinned. Shadow walked in the room "Suprise!" she exclaimed as she laughed

I know I'm publishing late, etc. And sorry if this chapter was confusing
- Red

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