Some Family Fluff cuteness.

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Two days later...
Not all things change for the worst when you have children, they can even make it better
"Oh my lord! Jekyll!" Hyde exclaims
"What, What is it?!" Jekyll says running across the floor in his socks stopping when he sees Hyde
"There's a sponge-bob marathon happening today!" Hyde exclaims
"Ahh, I need to go wake up Dylan! This is happening!"
Hyde goes and gets ice cream, spoons , and blankets and sits it all on the table.
Jekyll soon comes into the living room, Dylan holding his hand and walking beside him.
"Sponge-bob!" Dylan exclaims
Jekyll laughs "That's right."
They all get on the couch, cover up with blankets, eat ice cream, and watch Sponge-bob together.

Hekyll Forever! |Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 2|Where stories live. Discover now