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I'm doing this a different way. I'm changing POV's throughout this chapter to make it easier so...
Trigger warning: Substance Abuse

My pov (Red)
We all looked behind us in disbelief, only to be met with the surprise that no one was there.
"You all heard that, right?" I asked
They all nodded
"And we all know who that sounded like, right?"
They nodded again but it seemed impossible because it sounded like Edward Hyde...
Hyde's Pov
"That was close don't you see!" screamed a man at Me, pushing me against the wall and pinning me there
"They need to know I'm alive!" I protested
"Well they can't!" exclaimed the stranger.
The stranger then taped My mouth shut and pulled me away. I tried to wrestle away but failed... They needed to know
My pov (Red)
Jekyll sighed and I saluted Hyde's coffin as it went into the ground.
I then decided to walk Jekyll home. Dylan was in my arms but he kept trying to reach out to something behind me
"Panter... Panter," he whispered
I covered his mouth so Jekyll wouldn't hear.
"Shh... Dylan... Ssh."
He was asleep soon.
Jekyll's Pov
I tried to put on a smile for Red today. She needed it, concerning what she saw. I know that I have to find something to fill the deep hollow hole in my heart for now. Oh, my dear sweet Eddie, why'd you have to leave me? I opened the door to my home, taking a sleeping Dylan from her arms. She left abruptly, I was concerned. I laid Dylan in his crib and went to the medicine cabinet. I got out my antidepressants.
Hopefully, these would help as my hand shook I took out ten of the pills and swallowed them then I got the sleeping medicine out five more pills down the hatch. I called Red, voicemail.
"You need to come get Dylan." I said
Then I hung up and finally relaxed enough, although my body was shaking harshly, to go to sleep.
My pov (Red)
The phone was ringing. I didn't want to answer it, too much stuff happening. My eyes started to well up with tears. I didn't know what was going on with me.
I finally got up and reached for my phone
I listened to the voicemail Jekyll had sent me.
I ran over to his home realizing thirty minutes had passed. I walked into his home, seeing him passed out on the couch. I could hear Dylan crying. I ran into the nursery and picked him up and rocked him. He was crying and squirming in my arms
"PANTER!" The Little boy screamed
I thought for a moment it was Dylan's nap time. Dylan usually was put to bed by Hyde. I thought for a moment, how on earth could I fix this?
I then got out my phone. I then started to play the recording that played at the funeral before I ran off.
"Jekyll, stop recording me..." Hyde's smile and his laugh were in the speakers and on the screen
"Ladies and gents, this is the seventh time since Dylan's been home that he has came in here with his guitar." Jekyll said in an announcers voice.
It was five days after Dylan was born.
"I love you, Dylan. Although, you're daddy is making fun of me." Hyde said glaring at Jekyll before starting to play a song.... I can't remember what the song was called but soon Dylan was asleep so I turned off the recording so I wouldn't burst into tears.
I then went to Dr. Jekyll. I slapped him awake.
"Red!" He exclaimed in anger
"Your son is here alone basically! How dare you!" I screamed
I slapped him again "You think Hyde would appreciate how you left Dylan?!"
I slapped him once more "I don't trust you with Dylan!"
I then took Dylan from the nursery and to my house. Jekyll didn't protest.
"Dylan, sometimes I don't get your daddy." I sighed
So here I was, taking care of a baby.

Hekyll Forever! |Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 2|Where stories live. Discover now