Wecoming The Newest Member Of The Family in the weirdest way

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So Story time: I asked Shadowknife333 and Thepurplepen13 where they'd like to see Jekyll go into labor.....anyway.... they both said HQ. So I'm going to have to make this work.

So..... Red Army HQ has been held graciously in a nice, empty storage building ever since the fire. Obviously we call this HQ now. It's been two days since Henry called me about Jekyll being exhausted. It's gotten worse, little by little. We were thinking nothing of it until Jekyll took Hyde outside of HQ calmly we all waited inside and were silent to see what was being said
"Hyde, sweetheart, I know we wanted to get our shopping done today and I'm honestly a little salty about that now that, but I'm having them..... I think I'm having contractions."
"Now?!" Hyde exclaimed
"It's nothing to worry... we've done this before."
" But it's contractions! You're having our son!" Hyde exclaimed
" don't worry... I promise everything is fine.." Jekyll said calmly
"We need to get you to the hospital!"
" Okay..... come on." They then left
Hyde texted me later 'Sorry Red.'
' Anything?'
' Nothing... no more contractions as of right now.'
'Wish him luck... for me'
' ok'
36 hours later
'Jekyll's sleeping rn. I think when he wakes up he'll start having them again.'
3 more hours....

Jekyll held their baby boy in their arms.
Hyde looked over "he's so handsome like his daddy." Jekyll smiled "Do you want to hold him, Edward?"
Hyde gulped, was he ready? Hyde looked up to Jekyll. Jekyll smiled and gently laid the baby in his arms, the baby grasping their hand onto Hyde's finger. Hyde held the baby like it was an activated bomb, careful and gently.
"Hyde, are you scared?" Jekyll asked
"Yeah... what if they try to come after him?"
" They won't, I promise, Okay? It won't turn out like it did. That's just the past."
" Jekyll, do you think she forgives me?"
"Baby, She knows that wasn't you. I promise you that, she loved you."
"Jekyll are you scared of me?"
" You are?" Hyde asks
"Let me finish, your demons are something we have to watch and yes I'm scared of them, but you Edward Hyde, you are a different man."
"Jekyll," Hyde says looking down at the swaddled baby in his arms " What's his name?"
" Hmmm... You said we both liked Dylan, Right?"
"Well then let's name him Dylan. I think it's perfect."
"Dylan Wyatt Hekyll. I think we should name him Wyatt after the doctor, Is that ok?" Hyde suggests
"I think it's perfect, Hyde." Jekyll replied
The two exhausted parents looked down at their newborn son.
"You're going to be such an inspiration for little Dylan." Hyde grins looking up at Jekyll
"So are you, my love."
They then kissed and sat looking at the baby with a look of awe in their eyes.

Hekyll Forever! |Dare/ Ask Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 2|Where stories live. Discover now