The return

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The Army was helpful when it came to Dylan. Dusk was actually pretty good at taking care of Dylan, not that I ever doubts about anyone's ability to take care of a child.
No signs that Jekyll was improving, luckily it was the same for declining.
I could tell he wanted to be there for his son.
I took all of the sleeping medications, antidepressants, and alcohol out of the house. He was angry when I did this, cussing me out, trying to fight me, etc. He now, was depressed but was trying to get better.
As said, the Army loved the fact that they got to spend more time with Dylan. He had taken his first steps before Hyde's death. So... the Red Army was trying to get him to walk from person to  person.
Today, I visited Jekyll again. He was slightly better.
"Jekyll what's outside?" I asked looking out the window at the ground
There was a figure running across the ground.
He came over to the window and looked down.
His skin turned pale, he ran out the door in a rush.
I heard the front door slam and then I saw him go and hug the person and cry into their arms.
The person held onto him. Then the person looked up at me. It was Utterson.
I shut my eyes. What on earth was he doing here? Oh god, Hyde's Will.
That's right, Hyde has a Will too.
Everything was to be Jekyll's and Dylan's except one thing. Just then the door was shut.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you in your time of grief, but the legal proceedings could not be delayed any further, I tried my friend."
"It's alright..." Jekyll whispered
Utterson continued "Hyde's Will...."
Jekyll swallowed "Red..... Come here."
I walked into the living room.
"My lord, how you've grown." Utterson smiles as he looks at me
He kisses my hand.
We sit down.
"As written.... in the unfortunate circumstances of the disappearance or death of Mr. Edward Hekyll...
Everything is to be split between his husband, Henry J. Hekyll and their Children...except for..."
After explaining the Will everything was arranged in the family, including the things I inherited. I got his first cloak, his desk which he never used, and his guitar and guitar pick.
I heard something down in Dylan's room
"Hi Panter!" Dylan exclaimed then started laughing
Poor kid. He didn't understand death.
That night...
Jekyll sat in bed. Hyde's cloak in his arms, the one he died in. He cried softly and his hands spread over the material.
He engulfed himself with the smell of husband. How he missed him so much.
He reached in his bedside table drawer, his last bottle of whiskey.
"I wouldn't suggest doing that, Henry. You don't want to get intoxicated at this hour, especially with our son in the house."
Jekyll dropped everything in his hands
The whiskey bottle shattered
"Not the liquor!"
Jekyll turned around slowly seeing his husband
"Is it really you?"
Hyde smiled "why wouldn't it be?"
"Tell me something only Hyde would know."
"Utterson used to be your bully, in fourth grade he put gum in your hair and it took your mother a full week to get it out."
Jekyll smiles and starts crying, "It really is you."
Jekyll tackles Hyde and kisses him starting at his lips and going down to his neck and back up again.
Hyde held Jekyll's hips firmly and he let the former memorize his body all over again.
"I love you, I thought you were gone forever!" Jekyll cried
"I thought I was too, until I found you again..." Hyde grinned

Sorry this took me so long

Writer's block

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