My mind

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Jekyll didn't care anymore. Alcohol was his main consumption choice now, just like with Delilah. He couldn't lose Dylan. I had to fix this. Hyde dragged a body inside, what were we turning into? Oh yeah, The midnight Army.
Great just great. This is what skit wanted and it made sense... I couldn't let that happen.
"Oh Red..." Skit teased
"Come on in... to your mind come fight me. Or are you a coward?"
"Skit, I'd be happy to... but how?"
" just zone out."
I sat at my desk chair and eventually shut my eyes and zoned out
I looked into the great Unknown, there was a sea full of books, a castle with crayons, paper, etc., a forest with ventriloquist dummies, spiders, and animatronics hanging from the trees. There were so many other places too. It was crazy, I didn't know where to go first.
I thought for a moment, where would they be. I decided to go for Dylan first. I walked down a colorful pathway to a castle made out of crayons, pencils, and different things I had written over the years. I walked inside and what I saw both broke my heart and made me smile. First off, Dylan was about four or five in my mind. He was running around the castle with a colorful coronation mantle dragging behind him.
" Delilah, come back!" He exclaimed chasing after the one and only Delilah.
She disappeared right before he could catch her because she was a memory now.
"Red!" Dylan exclaimed hugging onto my leg
"Watch What I can do!"
He then snapped his fingers and transformed into a boy with black hair and green eyes looking more like Hyde now than Jekyll. This was his alter. He then snapped them again and was back to himself.
"Who taught you that?" I asked in my most realistic excited tone. I was already anticipating his answer.
"She said her name was Skittish21." He replied innocently
I sighed and smiled weakly
"Can you take me back to my Daddy and Panter?" Dylan asked me
"Of course I can!"
Dylan, in the outside world, couldn't talk... Hadn't even said his first word, so this was strange for me.
I picked him up and put him on my shoulders
"Hold on tightly," I said
He laughed, "Ok."
Then we walked back down the path I came
" Wait, Red!" He exclaimed and I stopped
He was staring at the castle, waiting for something.
Delilah came out the door and was waving
"Bye, Delilah!" He exclaimed happily waving back
She ran up to us and hugged him then she looked in my eyes and hugged me. I held in tears.
We then left and went down a path to a vast ocean of books and literature. Dusk would be here.
I saw her reading, sitting cris-cross on the ground. I was only when I got closer did I realize what she was reading, The first volume of Dare/Ask.
"Dusk...." I whispered quietly
She got up and hugged me tightly, "Red!"
" I thought you had forgotten about me!"
"Never." I laughed
Skit's laughter interrupted the happy reunion.
"Come find me and I'll let you free." She laughed
My fists and jaw clenched. I was sick of all of this!
Who does she think she is?
Dusk put a comforting hand on my shoulder,
"She's just trying to get you worked up then she'll break you down."
Dusk was right and this was why she was second in command. I went to all of the soldiers for advice for time to time, and I hate picking favorites or being biased, but if Dusk told me something, I'd more than likely believe it. She just had that quality to her, I didn't. She always kept me calm and sane in this life, same with all the soldiers and I appreciated it. There was just something about her.
Anyway, I decided to go to that forest. That black, scary forest. I walked through the path
"Red, I'm scared." Dylan said, his little voice trembling.
"It's alright...." I whispered hugging him to my chest.
There was a castle in this forest, and a sea of blood and bodies. I covered Dylan's eyes.
"REDDER21 ONLY!" Skit's disembodied voice boomed as we approached the door.
I gave Dylan to Dusk, he was crying.
Dusk tried to calm him down
"Be careful, Red." She whispered to me
I nodded, I know it must've been killing her on the inside watching me go alone. She had said multiple times that she'd take a bullet for me, and I believe her.
I walked inside.
Skit was on a black throne, skulls surrounded her.
Her feet hung off one side of the throne
"Oh Red!" She greeted happily
"Skit." I replied
"You know what's going to happen, don't you?"
I nodded "We're going to fight."
She grinned "That's a good girl, Red." She then pet me on the head like a dog.
I growled and pushed her back and she fell against the wall, "Oh a fighter!"
I grabbed a knife from my pocket, that had somehow appeared there. I charged at Skit and slashed her on the chest and neck. She howled in pain I wondered what it looked on the outside.
The outside....
Griffin and Himeru crashed into Red's office door and it fell with a crash.
Angelina and Pen pushed past them.
"Red!" They both exclaimed
Red's body was shaking roughly and her eyes had rolled in the back of her head. Everyone stared for a few minutes. They didn't know if it was a seizure or something completely different. Red was foaming at the mouth, this made everyone sure it couldn't be a seizure.
Being third in command and trained for these situations, Angelina took charge, "I need four of the strongest soldiers to get her out to my car."
She was a leader.
The Army snapped out of their trance, and as commanded four of the soldiers picked up Red gently as Angelina ran out to her car and started the engine.
Red was carried to the car.
"Pen get in the back and support Red's head." Angelina commanded
Pen did as she was told and stroked Red's hair as they drove along.
"Where are we going to go, Angelina?" Pen asked frantically from the backseat
" I don't know exactly..." Angelina said searching for places to go
"Wait! Go to shadow's! Henry should be there!"
They now had Red on the examination table as Henry looked over her
"Could this be anything that's caused by her Cerebral Palsy?"
Now that everyone knew, this was always a question across everyone's mind when something was wrong.
"I don't think so." Angelina said "nothing like this has happened before."
Henry nodded "Well... I suggest you take her to Jekyll's and let her rest."
Angelina nodded and they carried her back to the car.
Back inside my mind...
Skit had cornered me against the wall, my arm was bruised and probably broken
"Let is free!" I cried
She laughed "what would I get?"
I pushed her to the ground and got up, "nothing."
"Well, then you'll have to deal with me!"
"I don't care, just let us free and you can do whatever you want to me!"
I then was awoken.
"Oh Red!" Angelina and Pen exclaimed hugging onto me tightly
"Hmmm, What happened?"
My arm was killing me and my body felt awful!
Then the mist came out of my mind. It went around my arms, Dylan instantly appeared. I hugged him tightly to my chest. Then the mist went to the corner
And Dusk appeared she ran over to me and hugged me as she cried
"You did it!" She smiled
"No she didn't." Skit said from my mind
Jekyll and Hyde made their way from the crowd of soldiers in the small living room of Jekyll's home to Dylan. Jekyll picked up Dylan.
"You need to get a nap." Jekyll smiled hugging onto him
Dylan squirmed in his arms and reached towards me "Red-der! Red!" Dylan cried
Everyone stopped and looked at Dylan then to me.
"Dylan's first words." Dusk smiled
All the soldiers cheered and patted me on the back. Jekyll and Hyde were stunned and Jekyll put him back in my lap.
"Red...." Jekyll began quietly "we've never said Redder around him, how did he know that was your name?"
I looked down at him.
Jekyll's eyes then looked at my arm "that looks broken."
I nodded "it must be."
He smiled "Let's Get you doctored up, hm?"
He then took me upstairs and wrapped my arm, it hurt terribly. "It is broken." He confirmed
I nodded so many things had happened.

Dusk and Dylan are back! Dylan has a developing alter! Dylan said his first word! My arm was broken! I traveled to my mind! This is crazy!
Hope you enjoyed
- Red

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