|19|Hello Baltimore|

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| Ember |

Song: Canals - All Time Low

I feel sick. Maybe because I'm so excited. I check the time and my tickets. It's nearly 9am and my flight is a little after 12. It's like a 5 hour flight. So I'll land around 5 and I should be at my new home around six. I'm excited! I didn't want to go before, but I'm never going to have to say goodbye to Jacky again. It's like we haven't gotten older. Like I'm still the fourteen year old girl who was friends with an older guy. Everyone did think we were dating, but we weren't. And now that Jack is 26, it's like he hasn't grown up.
I check my backpack and I have everything. Phone, charger, earphones, laptop, money. I'm sorted.
Tyler took my case with the boxes so I don't have to take anything else onto the flight.
I put on the blue jeans, white crop top and leather jacket on that I left out yesterday. I don't care if I look okay or not, I was in a rush last night. I run a brush through my tangled red hair and twist it up into a bun. I quickly brush my teeth and relax. I'm ready. It took me half an hour, but I'm ready. That's the important thing. I grab my backpack and slip on some converse, I'll need to be at the airport soon, so it can't hurt going now. I write a quick note for the landlord, text my mom to say that I'm gone and don't want to see her and then lock the door, slipping my keys under it.
I fish for some change and decide to get the bus to the airport. Check me, I'm using public transport.

Me: On my way to the Airport, I'll miss you!

Ella: I'll miss you too! Make up with Alex please.

Me: no promises. Tell Wynter I said goodbye.

She doesn't reply.

Me: on my way to the airport, I'll see you later!

Jack: I'll see you soon, sis. Stay safe. Love you!

I put my phone away as the bus pulls into the stop. I drop the change into the machine and sit down near the front. People look at me. I shake my head until I see a guy smiling at me from the bus stop. We stop there and he gets on, sitting in the seat opposite me. I smile. He looks down. Okay then. I check where we are, a stop away from the airport.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm good." He looks up, but then down again.
"Uhm. You didn't look it, that's all."
"I'm good." He says, firmly ending the conversation. Well, someone's rude. Thank god I'm getting off. I press the stop button and walk to the doors. They open and I get off. I didn't like that guy. He was very rude. I put my headphones in, the bus stops near the airport, not outside. I play Mayday Parade and start to walk. It's only like five minutes.


"Hi, can I see your tickets please?" The overly smiling woman behind the desk asks. I hand her the papers and my passport. "No bags?"
"Only a backpack. My stuff is on it's way already."
"Okay." She checks everything and asks me security questions. They are pretty stupid questions. I hate air travel. "Enjoy your flight."
"Thanks." I take me ticket and passport back off her. She looks me up and down, giving me a dirty look. I swear I could've flipped her the finger right then. I go through security and go to a small coffee shop. I love coffee so much! It's my addiction!
"Name?" The man asks.
"Ember Barakat." I smile. I get it back and they wrote it on there. I take a picture.
" @blackrose_ember: Look @jackalltimelow I'm a Barakat! Flight to Baltimore soon! So excited to be moving in with my 'brother' and his annoying best friend... Well not so much. I'll see all of you soon! Yay! Goodbye LA I guess, Hello Baltimore! I'll keep you all updated!'
People comment. Mostly good.
'You and Alex aren't together?'
'Aw! Ember's a Barakat!'
'She'll soon be a Gaskarth, if you know what I mean ;)'
'I love you Ember! You're amazing!'
'She's pretending to hate him so she thinks that we think they aren't dating.'
'Best one of the band girls!'
Well then. I guess people do support me. I drink my coffee and queue up to get on the plane.
"Are you Ember Barakat?" A teenage girl asks.
"Uhm, yeah. Shh."
"I'm a fan. Did your band split up?"
"I guess so."
"Do a solo career or something." She smiles. "Please."
"I'll try."
"And forgive Alex, whatever he's done."
"Maybe." I smirk. "It was nice meeting you." I smile.
"You too. Can I have a picture?"
"Yeah." I smile for the camera and she runs back off. Weird. But I love meeting fans. Eventhough I'm not famous. Not really anyway.
My band was okay. So I don't know why people 'love me' so much. I'm a normal person, who happens to know rockstars. No biggie. The line goes down and I pass the guy my ticket, he rips the end off, checks my passport and hands it all back to me. I walk down the stairs. I forgot, I'm not too great at flying. Like of course I can't fly, but I don't really like it. I get on and sit in my seat at the front, by the door. At least I can be first off. Bonus bitches! I guess Jack can be considerate. I turn my phone to airplane mode, fasten my seatbelt and wait.
"Ladies and gentleman, the fasten seat belt sign is now on, we will be departing now. Enjoy your flight."
I won't enjoy it, I hate flying. Some of these people are stupid. What if we crashed? Oh I really enjoyed my flight. I need stop stop putting ideas into my head. I rest my head back. These 5 hours better go fast.

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