|40|More Than You Could Imagine|

847 28 0

| Ember |

*31st December*

"You leave tomorrow." I say nonchalantly.

"And you'll be okay. Don't worry about it." Alex kisses me on the forehead. We've sort of become a thing since that night, it doesn't bother me at all. I don't know how, or why, but I love him.

"It's for a month, right?"

"Barely. Three weeks, I think."

"You think?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Three weeks, Em, I promise. I'll be good." A small laugh escapes my lips and I shake my head. "I'm packed. It'll fly by for the both of us. I wish you could come, but it's too short notice."

"Am I gonna have to get used to this now? Touring all the time."

"It's what you signed up for."

"I didn't sign up for anything yet." He pulls me closer to him and we are lay there in silence on his bed.

"Aw, my baby girl." He sings in my ear. "Oh god I'm sick of sleeping alone."

"Let's just spend today together." He agrees with me. "Tour was how we met, what if you find someone else?" I think out loud.

"Ember, look at me, serious." I look up at him. "There is no one else that could compare to you, or even start to. You're beyond beautiful, no one else can have you because you're mine. It's simple."

"Whatever." I laugh.

"You guys." Jack smiles from the doorway. "I knew it would happen." Alex throws a pillow at him and he runs away.

"I'll look after Jack, don't worry about it."

"I don't doubt for a second that you won't."

"You keep thinking today. It's scaring me. You're quiet."

"Three weeks is a long time, the UK is far, there's British girls there that would kill for you."

"I don't want any of them but you, understand?"

"I guess so." I shrug. It still won't stop me worrying.

"Anyway, my next tour isn't until summer, you can come with us. Does warped sound fun?"

"Yeah!" I nod. "Thanks, Lex." I lie my head on his shoulder. Why does he have to tour? I get it, it's his job. It's how he makes a living and I'm gonna have to get used to it.

I fall asleep.


"Em." Alex says gently. "Em."

"Go away. I'm tired." I groan.

"Are you ticklish?" He asks.

"No." I lie. He jumps on top of me and starts to tickle me. "Lex!" I shriek.

"Liar. You are ticklish!" He laughs. "Liar! Liar!"

"I- Can't- Breathe." He rolls off me and I laugh. "That was nasty."

"Sorry." He pouts.

"You're nasty."

"No I'm not." He pulls me into a bear hug. "You love meee!"

"Whatever." I shake my head and try to wiggle out of the hug. I'm not making any difference though. "Get off." I laugh. He kisses my cheek and let's go. "My little Alex is leaving me."

"Not for that long. I'll be back remember?"

"I remember, I'm not stupid, like you."

"So I'm stupid and nasty now?" He pretends to get mad.

"I'm gonna really miss you, Em."

"Get over yourself, Gaskarth." I joke and kiss him on the cheek.

"You're the nasty one I think."

"I thought you loved me though." I laugh.

"Ember Barakat, more than you could begin to imagine."


This was a filler, I thought I'd finish it off as quick as I can!

Vote, share, whatever please?

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