|37|Legally a Barakat|

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| Alex |

Song: Sugar, We're going down - Fall Out Boy (IDK, I like it)

*A few weeks later, on Ember's birthday.*

I'm so glad I had everything organised. I double check the two gift bags under my bed and smile.
"Guess who's 22 today?!" Ember cheers as she throws open my door.
"No. You were like four years ago."
"Who then?" I tease.
"Me, you dick head!" She jumps on my bed.
"Well then, happy birthday."
"Look at you two." Jack smiles from my doorway. "This is going all over social network."
"I don't care. It's my birthday!" Ember shouts. She's actually happy, she hasn't been in a while.
"Shit reminds me. I didn't get you anything." Jack smirks. "Just kidding. I'll get it in a bit."
"And don't give the the candy that you're gonna give the kids tonight. It's also halloween."
"I won't. I'm not that low." Jack folds his arms. I scoff and he leaves. I grab my phone.
'Happy birthday to the amazing @blackrose_ember ! 22 years old! Aren't you growing up? I couldn't imagine life without you bossing me around and being a bitch! Kidding, I love you really!
Oh, and happy halloween guys!'
I post it to twitter and a picture of us to Instagram with the same caption.
"You're going all out aren't you?" She teases. I nod proudly. "I'm gonna go downstairs." She goes and I go under my bed to get the gift bags. I hope she likes them.
I throw on some jeans and a shirt, before going downstairs after her, with the gift bags. I tap her shoulder and put them in front of her. She pulls me down into a hug because she's sat on the floor, and I stay there.
"I'll wait for Jack. Thank you." Jack comes downstairs with some gift bags too. "Alex is first." She smiles and reads the label. That's the one with the dress in, I put from me and Cassie because she helped me.
"Do you like it?" I ask nervously.
"I love it! Thanks so much!" She jumps on me for a hug.
"There's more." She turns her attention to the other bag. There's the charm for the bracelet Cass and Rian got her, some cd's and the photos.
"I love these too!" She hugs me again. "Everything is great. Thank you so much, Lexy."
"Only for my best friend." I smile.

| Ember |

Alex's gifts were perfect, I could see he had a nervous look on his face about it. There's a beautiful white dress, an Eiffel Tower charm, CD's for loads of band like BMTH, PTV, SWS, ATL and lots of photos. I smile at the one of us at the charity gala, that was a great night. There's ones of me and Jack, me and Cass, Zack, Rian and all of us together.
"Everything is great. Thank you so much Lexy." I hug him again.
"Only for my best friend." He smiles.
"My turn." Jack says as he passes me some gift bags. I open them. There's perfumes, a necklace with a guitar pick on, a 'Jagk' shirt and more.
"Thanks Jacky. I love them."
"Oh, and I almost forgot. After some talks with my family, I'm glad to present you with this." He pulls an envelope from behind his back. I rip it open and read it. "You're now legally a Barakat." I don't know what to say.
"Wow. I'm a Barakat." I say quietly.
"Yeah. Happy?" He asks.
"I sure am!" I leap at him and sit in his lap for a while. "I have the best brother ever." I hug him.
"Get dressed. I'm sure the rest of the nut jobs are coming soon." Alex tells me. I'm guessing he means Zack, Rian and Cass. I go upstairs and put on my ripped skinny jeans, a white shirt and a checkered flannel one over the top. I brush my hair, leaving it down and clean my teeth.
"So where's the birthday bitch?" I hear someone ask. I'm guessing it's Zack. I slide down the rails on the stairs.
"Merrick, I would watch how you talk about me." I warn.
"Here she is!" He cheers. I see Cass and Rian sat on the couch. I hug him, Cass and Rian.
"Guys guess what!" I shout.
"What?" Rian asks.
"I'm a Barakat bitches!" I laugh. Cass giggles at me.
"Happy birthday bestie." She smiles and hands me a card with a small gift bag. I open the card on one side there's:
'To Ember,
Happy birthday, thanks for being there for Cass. I'm glad she has you.
And thanks for keeping Jack happy now.
And Alex too.
Just thanks for livening up the tour and the band!
Happy birthday! Drink lots!
From Rian.'
I read the next message.
'To my bestest friend!
Happy birthday! I can sing taylor swift now!
Have a good day!
Love Cass xx'
I smile at both of the messages and see what's in the gift bag.
There's a long box, inside there's a charm bracelet. There's three charms already on there, an 'E', a love heart and some drumsticks. Rian looks proud of that one. I see what the charm from Alex was for now. I hook the Eiffel Tower on, then Jack clasps it around my wrist. I thank them.
"I didn't know what to get you so, there's money in the card and chocolate to replace the ones I ate." Zack smiles.
"So it was you who I ate my chocolate?" I pretend to be mad, but it fails.
"Sis, wanna go out for dinner for your birthday?"


It's nice to see the messages people have been sending me.
Alex- 'Happy birthday to the amazing @blackrose_ember ! 22 years old! Aren't you growing up? I couldn't imagine life without you bossing me around and being a bitch! Kidding, I love you really!
Oh, and happy halloween guys!'

Jack- 'Happy Birthday to my sister Ember! She's now officially a Barakat! It was amazing finding you again! Love you so much!'

Zack- 'happy birthday to Jack's little sister! Sorry for eating your chocolate. I'm forgiven though. (I hope!)'

Rian- 'Ember's birthday today! Yay! We're all going out for dinner to celebrate it'

Cass- 'I dunno about you, but Ember's 22! Happy birthday bestie!'

I smile at all of them. Fans of the band have been tweeting me too. It's really sweet. I got a message from a fan that stuck up for me when Poppy started being a bitch.
'@atl_love_life: happy birthday @blackrose_ember! Will forever be supporting you as a person and Jack's sister! Have a good day!'

This day is pretty perfect. I'm spending it with the ones I love.
"Where are we going for dinner then?" Jack asks.
"You know the city more than I do."

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