|43|Living Under A Paper Moon|

792 28 1

| Alex |

Song: Under A Paper Moon - All Time Low

*In June*

Ember and Poppy have been friends for a while and Poppy hasn't tried anything. I don't understand, unless she likes Ember. What? Pfft no.

Ember is getting dressed upstairs. I love her more than ever and nothing has happened. We've been together for 7 months. No arguments, break ups or anything. Okay, a few good things, if you know what I mean. Poppy is sat next to me, on her phone.

"So," She says awkwardly. "Miss me?" She jokes.

"You wish." I scoff.

"We had something though." She pouts.

"Had. Key word there. But it wasn't much. You have no idea how much Ember means to me."

"Whatever. I'm better." She shrugs.

"I thought you were her friend."

"Thought. The key word there." She mocks me. I hear Ember's door open and her light footsteps coming down the stairs. I try to turn to look at her, but Poppy kisses me.

"What the fuck?!" Ember exclaims. "Alex?" I push Poppy off me.

"Don't yell." I say.

"Don't yell?! Are you kidding me? I can't even trust my friend with my boyfriend, who happens to be her ex? I give up trying with both of you! Poppy, get out."

"He kissed me." Poppy smirks and leaves.

"It's not what it looks like."

"How else is it gonna be explained then, Alex?" I open my mouth, but I can't explain it. "I think we should take a break from each other."

"No, Ember. Please don't." I beg. What has Poppy done?

"What do you want me to do? I've given my all to you."

"It's not what it looks like." I say again.

"Cut the shit. There's nothing else to it. It's simple. Okay? I'm going out." She slams the door behind her. Jack stands in the kitchen with his mouth open.

"Save it." I say to him and run up to my room. She hates me, all because of Poppy. I knew she'd fuck this up.

| Ember |

So I just saw my good friend and my boyfriend kissing. Alex can't explain it. Poppy looks like a smug bitch. I don't know who to believe. I don't know what's happened. All I saw was them kissing. Why me? As if I haven't had enough bad luck in relationships.

I knew Alex was trouble! Why didn't I listen to myself? Because you can't not love Alex, he's amazing, sweet, gorgeous. Snap out of it! He was just kissing someone else. I call Cass.

"Cass, can I stay with you and Rian for a while?"

"For as long as you want. Come over. Something's up, I can tell."

"I'll tell you when I get there. I'm close."

I'm thankful for Cass, my beautiful and amazing best friend. I run to her place and she's waiting outside for me, a concerned look on her face. She hugs me and takes me inside.

"Spill." She hands me a cup of coffee and I explain it to her. "Shit." She mumbles.

"I don't know what happened, who to believe. I love Alex so much, why would he do something like that?"

"I'm not sure he has a reason. Would he though? That's my question."

"I don't know. But I came downstairs and they were kissing."

"Oh my god. You can stay here, get some clothes and everything. There's always a room here for you."

"Thanks." I hug her and she wipes a tear off my cheek.

"It's what best friends are for." She smiles. I'm so mad with him right now.

Jack and him keep calling me.

Me: Don't worry jacky, I'm stopping with Cass for a while. Can you drop me a bag over please? Just anything.

Jack: sure, sis. Take as long as you need. Alex is in pieces.

Me: should've thought of that before.

I'm being stubborn, I know. I have to be. I should be more wrecked than him! Why did I even trust Poppy in the first place? She was a bitch to me, then nice, then she's kissing my boyfriend, who happens to be her ex!

Alex calls me again.

"I swear to god, if you call me again, Alex." I warn to him.

"Em, believe me, it wasn't what it looked like."

"I don't want your empty apologies. Tell me, on tour, were you kissing other girls? Or do they have to be your ex's?"

"Ember, stop being a stubborn bitch!" He exclaims. How dare he!

"Don't you tell me what to do! I told you, I think we need a break."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry that it has to be like this." I hang up.

Cass is telling Rian what happened. He looked shocked.

"Em, I can assure you, he kissed no one on tour."

"So, he just likes kissing his ex's?" Rian sighs.

I still can't believe it. And I still can't get the image of it out of my mind. Alex, my Alex, kissing Poppy, the girl who was meant to be my friend. Who am I kidding? Friends don't do that! I'm sure she was using me to get to Alex again! How could I have been that blind? I'm nothing compared to her, she's blonde, pretty and perfect. I'm a brunette, not as pretty as her and definitely far off perfect. I give up now.


I told Jack that I'd be fine, he gave me a duffle bag full of things and left. I guess he's being sensible today.

Cass showed me to the room that I've slept in a few times before and left me there. I throw the bag on the bed and collapse in the middle of the cream carpet, the skirt I'm wearing flowing around me. I cry, the tears that haven't been falling for these past few, perfect months escape.

Alex kissed someone else. Did he mean to? Why would it have happened otherwise?

I'm so confused.


I've had this for ages, I've been editing and publishing it.

I think I want a new cover, I'm too lazy to make one. Ugh.

I'm tired.

This long chapter made up for the short, sucky ones right? Feedback please? I really need to know what people think of this, I won't be updating until then!

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