|42|We're home b**tch!|

841 27 3

| Alex |

*Three Weeks Later*

As soon as we land, I push through the crowds so I can get home and see Ember. Jack is chasing me. People are looking at us.

"Crazy kids." A couple shake their head. Jack hears and as he runs past, he gives them the fingers. I break down in laughter and Rian jumps on my back. I guess tour was fun, I'm with my three best friends. Jack and Zack have been pretending to be in love for the whole tour, they hold hands and skip ahead.

"Carry my bags." Rian groans.

"Happily." I smirk, but he doesn't see me. I run into McDonald's where there's loads of people and leave his bag in the middle. I run to Jack.

"Where did you put them?" Jack asks, he didn't see anything but he just assumes.

"McDonald's." I smile proudly. He high fives me and Rian panics, looking for his stuff.

"I'm loving it." Jack hints.

"You bastards." He laughs and runs back to McDonald's to get his bag.


"We're home bitch!" Jack shouts. I expected her to run and hug us, but she's not there.

"Work maybe?"

"Could be, where does she work again?"

"Frostbite? That piercing and tattoo place in the mall."

"Oh yeahhhh."

"Sup dudes?" Ember asks as she opens the front door.

"Hey Em." I smile, she hugs me, then Jack.

"You can come in if you want Poppy." Poppy?! Why is she here? My ex comes in and smiles. "It's cool, Alex. She's my friend." There's something not right about this.

"Hi again guys." Poppy laughs. Something isn't right. Why would she be friends with Ember? I roll my eyes and go to my room. Ember shouts after me, but I ignore her.

| Ember |

Why is he ignoring me? Two can play at that game, and he knows that.

Poppy is my friend, right? We talked in the park two weeks ago, and we became friends.

She decides to leave, so I can say hi to them properly.

"Lexy, what's wrong?" I ask him.

"You can't trust her." He says plainly.

"She's my friend. Sure I can."

"Just watch out."

"I missed you, you know." I smile sweetly.

"Come here." I run into his arms and he hugs me tightly. I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck. "You're beautiful, I missed your pretty face."

"I actually missed your face." I squeeze his cheeks and he pulls a face. We laugh.

"Wait a minute, you don't have red hair anymore."

"Well done genius." I decided to let my brown grow back through, so I stripped my hair of the colour, I still decided on having a purple under layer.

"It looks really nice."

"Thank you, I thought red was getting tiring, it's a lot to keep up with."

"Your natural hair is beautiful, just like you." He smiles. I shake my head.

"I've missed you so much."

"I know. The UK was amazing, I dumped Rian's bags in a McDonald's and I have something to show you." He pulls out his gone and has a video of fans shouting 'we love you ember.' I smile at it.

"I didn't know fans liked me."

"They do. Definitely. I talked to our manager and they said you can come to warped!"

"Yes!" I cheer. "I can't wait."

"What do you say?"

"Thank you." He taps his cheek, I kiss it and he smiles, clearly pleased with himself.

I sit, curled up in his lap on the couch downstairs, while Jack is ordering pizza. He said takeouts in England, weren't like the ones in Baltimore. I've missed these guys too much. Alex traces the snake that's tattooed on my arm. It's comforting.

Nothing could mess this up. Right?


Sorry it's short! Next chapter, shit is going down. No joke. It's gonna be a few months later, in June, warped is at the start of August.

But dun dun dun.

Poppy on the side. :)

Sorry, this will be coming to an end soon. There's not that many reads on it anyways. I might delete it soon.

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