|24|The Barakat's|

879 33 0

| Jack |

Song: Bloodline - Crown The Empire (IDK it's cool)

"Hi Mom." I smile and open the door. She pulls me into a hug straight away, then brushes past me. Everyone else does the same. "And it's a delight to see my older siblings, don't forget my dad." I mumble.
"Where is she then?" Mom asks.
"Oh. On her way. Rian is dropping her here now."
"Aw, I bet she's all grown up now." May smiles.
"Duh. She's almost 22."
"Shit, really?" Joe asks. Mom glares at Joe for 'cursing.'
"Yeah. You'll be shocked when you see her."
"She pretty then?"
"Not in that way. Gross. Not Ember. Not ever."
"Ask Alex if he thinks she's pretty." I taunt. Alex rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to the TV screen. That's all he does lately, watch TV, eat, drink and not talk much. I guess she hurt him that bad. But they weren't even together? So what's the problem? I knew he liked her. The lock clicks and the door opens.
"I'm home! Miss me dear brother?"
"You wish." I laugh and she hugs me.
"Oh hi everyone." She smiles.
"Ember. You've grown into a fine young lady." Mom smiles and looks her up and down, noting down her skirt. I guess it's too short for her liking. Oh well.
"Uhm, thanks Joyce?" She scratches the back of her neck. "Hi Bas, long time, huh?"
"Yes. I guess so. You've grown up."
"It's probably been 8 years." She laughs. "Hi Mae, Hi Joe."
"How are your parents?" Mom asks.
"Don't know and I honestly don't care. I cut contact with them when I moved." Mom glares at me. "Joyce, it's not Jack's fault. I chose to. They didn't care anyway."
"That's good." Dad raises his eyebrows. May starts to fuss over Ember. Joe is still in shock.
"Why did you dye your hair red?" Mom questions.
"Mom! You can't say that!"
"It's okay." Ember laughs. "Because I wanted to. I didn't like the brown I had. People grow and change."
"You don't say, I've missed you little sis." Joe hugs her.
"I'd like to breathe." She jokes. Alex turns the TV up. "Alex, why don't you go upstairs if we are bothering you so much?"
"Because this is my house! That's why!" He raises his voice.
"We need to talk." She snaps. "Tomorrow though."
"Whatever." He goes upstairs.
"But he still listens to me." She shrugs.
"Boss ass bitch, that's why." I high five her. Mom then glares at me.
"What's wrong with the word bitch?" Ember asks. "Oh shit. I forgot. You don't really like swearing."
"We still do it though." Joe shrugs. I guess no one really listens to mom. We spent our childhood ignoring her because she was arguing with dad a lot of the time, she didn't correct us. We aren't gonna change it now though.
"What job did you end up doing then?" Dad asks to start a conversation.
"Uhm," Ember scratches her neck again. "Tattoo artist." She cringes and waits for moms response. I swear she nearly fainted right then.
"Mom, it's what she wanted to do."
"I know." The colour goes back into her face. I have to stop myself from laughing.
I know that Mom pictured Ember as an office lady, married by now, making good money, still with brown hair, skirts longer than now.
One of those typical housewives. Erm, no. And she knew it was never going to happen.
Ember didn't really hang around with girls at school, she was with boys, like a lot, until she was about 11. She found a few friends that were girls then, but then they ended up bullying her. So she was far from normal. And that's good.
Ember kicks off her shoes and puts her feet up on me. I leave them there and pay attention to the conversation.


"Bye Joyce, Bas, May and Joe." Ember waves and closes the door. "Was your mom trying to interrogate me? I feel useless."
"That's just mom, you should know that by now."
"I guess so. I'm tired."
"Go to bed then sis."
"I'm gonna do that." She goes upstairs. I lock all the doors and go upstairs. I go into her room.
"Night sis." I hug her.
"Night Jacky." She smiles. I go into Alex's room.
"Dude, you are in shit tomorrow."
"No I'm not. She's not gonna do anything."
"Are you sure about that? This is Ember."
"She'll tell me to stop being awkward and stuff. I already know it."
"Or maybe you'll make up! Then you'll be happy!"
"No such thing as happy, you know that."
"Night Mr. Depressing. Another radio interview tomorrow." I tease and go into my room.
Tomorrow is it! They'll finally make up! I can feel it!
Well, at least they'll start talking. It's a start.
It's just up to them now.


A whole chapter in Jack's POV! Check me! Sorry it's short, I'm trying to make as many chapter before I time lapse to her birthday.
Next one is gonna be short, but the talk between them. Ideas would be appreciated. I will dedicate the chapter to you!

~ Holly

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