|46|Ember Grace|

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| Ember |

*One Year Later, On Tour With The Guys*

"Morning, beautiful." Alex shakes me. I open my eyes to him smiling. He looks at me like I'm the only girl in the world.

"Sup Gaskarth?" I yawn and slide out of the bunk, my bare feet hitting the cold floor. He kisses me.

"Guys, PG. There is other people here." Jack laughs.

"Chill, Jacky." I laugh.

"Guys, last show! Come onn!" Zack whines. They leave me to get dressed, a black tank top with a skeleton ribcage on, dark blue denim shorts and my black converse. I fix my black hair now, I'm never happy with the colour, I put it up into a messy bun. I grab my pass.

"I'm ready losers."

"Finally." Rian laughs. "Cass misses you."

"I'll see her tomorrow." I laugh.

"You look stunning as always." Alex winks. I kiss him on the cheek and we leave. He looks nervous though.

| Alex |

I'm shitting myself. I'm at the same arena as where I met Ember, two years ago today. And I'm gonna ask her to marry me. Jack gave me his blessing, and I'm nervous for it. What if she says no? She wouldn't, right? We've been together for a little under two years. I'm just nervous, okay? No other reason. I check the ring is in my large pocket, it's there. It's got a small diamond on it, with two tiny red gemstones above and below it. I think she'll like it, it was a bit expensive, but it's worth it all for her. Jack and the guys keep elbowing me, they know, so does Cass.

"I've gotta go sound check now, babe." I kiss her on the cheek.

"Okay, I'll be somewhere. Causing trouble." She winks and walks off. I love how she's totally oblivious to what I'm gonna do later.

There's no one else I would want to marry. I love her, my parents love her, everyone loves her. She's beautiful, talented and I honestly don't know what she sees in a guy like me. I'm quite corrupt deep down, hey, if that's what. I get for being famous. The corrupt famous stereotype.


Ember is stood on the side of the stage as we finish our last song. People are cheering like crazy, singing along. I smile.

"Now guys, I'm gonna need your support for this, so I'd like to call my girlfriend Ember out." She looks up as she hears her name. Jack practically drags her out.

"Name?" Jack asks and puts a mic in front of her.

"You know my name, dick head." She laughs. "Fine, Ember." The crowd laughs at Jack and Ember arguing for a little while.

"Guys, break it up. This isn't what I pulled you out here for."

"Speak. I'm listening." Zack grabs my guitar off me, so I can face her.

"Ember, today, two years ago, I met you. I'm so glad I did, I'm so glad Jack had met you, and that stuff. Or I wouldn't be here with you. Now, damn, I suck at this." I roll my eyes.

"Film this guys." Jack murmurs, but the speakers catch it. I'm aware of the crowd recording us.

"Ember Grace Barakat," I kneel on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I ask. The crowd cheers. Ember is stood there frozen. "I'm not making a fool of myself now, am I?" I ask her.

"No, not at all." She smiles widely. "Of course! Yes! I'll marry you." I slide the ring onto her finger and she hugs me. The crowd cheers. I kiss her quickly.

"Everyone, my fiancé." I smile proudly. At least I didn't screw it up. At least she didn't say no. We leave the stage. "Ember Gaskarth, I like the sound of that."

"For once, I agree with you." I put my arm around her shoulder, normally she shoves me off because I'm sweaty. I guess she's that happy. "Alex, I do think I'm gonna have to tell my parents though."

"Of course. We will tomorrow."

"Thanks. I don't want to, but I sort of have to. They deserve to know."

| Ember |

*The Next Day*

Alex pulls up in my parents driveway. "Are you sure about this?" He asks. I nod. It's now or never. He takes my hand and we walk to the front door, I ring the bell.

"Ember?!" My mother shrieks.

"Hi mom." I say blankly. "You remember Alex right?"

"I do." She grimaces. "Do come in." We go inside to see my father and my brother. Elliot tries to hug me, but I push him away.

"I thought you deserved to know that I'm engaged." I say calmly. "To the man to my right, Alex." My mothers eyes go wide.

"You're getting married!" She cheers.

"I'm sorry, but I told you all, this is it. I said that I want nothing to do with you. I don't want you interfering with my marriage or if I had children, my family." I say. I don't know why I'm being so brave about it. My dad is silent.

"And you're sure about this?" My dad finally speaks up.

"Yes dad, we've been together for a while now. I'm happy with him."

"I promise I'll take care of her, I have for the last two years. Mr and Mrs Mason, I love Ember more than anything. Please understand that." Alex chimes in. "It's up to Ember if she wants you involved, you're her parents, not mine. There's no doubt we'd like to start a family, I just wouldn't want you in and out of their lives, coming and going as you please."

"Look after my daughter." Mom smiles. What? She's letting me? I thought I'd have to rebel or something.

"Let's go then, Barakat." Alex smiles.

"Barakat?" Elliot asks. "Isn't that the guy who was your friend as a kid?"

"Yeah. I'm legally part of his family. But that's changing soon."

"Oh, okay."


"I'm tired, Lexy."

"Go to sleep, we are going home later. I don't know why Zack booked the night flight, maybe because he's an idiot, but you know." Alex shrugs. I put on some leggings and leave my sleeping with sirens shirt on, and then cuddle into his arms. "We'll be home soon. Don't worry."


Finally! Yay!

I'm updating slowly now, or not at all for a while. Let me know if you want me to though, okay? I'll be focusing on my other story, check it out please? There's regular updates on there, (after I've stopped being a perfectionist.)

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