|7|Keep playing cupid|

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| Ember |

Song: Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy

I shower and put on my big baseball shirt. I need to cook something. I look in the cupboards and find some pasta. I grab a pan and boil some water and leave the pasta to boil. I turn on the TV and the Hollywood news comes on. I hate this show sometimes, it's mainly just gossip.
'All Time Beach Day!
The ATL members have been seen at Venice beach today, accompanied by Cassadee Pope, girlfriend of Rian Dawson, drummer, and an unknown red head, who we have come to know as Ember Mason.
Ember and lead singer Alex looked a bit close today, Alex giving her piggy backs in the water, playing around and giving her hugs.
Are these two together? Who knows? But rumours have started suggesting there is sparks between California girl and Superstar.
They all seemed to be having fun and we know that they are due to go home to Baltimore soon. Is Ember going back with them or are they going to maintain a long distance relationship?
We will have to see.'
I turn off the TV. I need to talk to Alex about this. This is out of hand. People think we are dating? Reality check, we are not! I grab my phone and call him.
"Alex! There's a report about all of us at the beach and people think we are together!" I shout.
"Calm down, Em. I can tell the fans we aren't, which we aren't."
"Thanks Alex. It would mean a lot. I've had this before. I don't wanna talk about it."
"You don't have to. I'll tweet about it now. Anything for the band groupie!" He teases.
"Shut up!" I hang up.
This is out of hand. I plate up my pasta and put a tub of sauce with it. I check the bands twitter account.
"Hustlers, listen up! Me and Ember aren't dating! They are just rumours! Ember is a good friend of all of us! Don't hate on her please! She hasn't done anything wrong. We all love her to pieces and would hate to her to be upset. She's not coming back to Baltimore. She's staying in Cali. She has no reason to move away.
- Alex."
Phew. It's sorted. I hope anyway. Today was perfect, I don't need anything to ruin it. I decide to leave the TV off and I plug my phone into the stereo, playing the 'fashionably late' album. I can tell Willow is gonna be on my case about this. I'd rather be alone when the guys are gone, apart from Ella. I haven't heard off her since I went out with Willow that day. I'll talk to her when the guys are gone. I need to spend as much time with them as I can. I finish my food and wash up the plate.
"It's 9 o' clock on the dot at the spot and I'm hangin' with her friends again.
Great Taste, Beautiful Place and you're fashionably late.
I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, that makes you cry again.
Without a doubt sorry about making out with your friends. Mwah!" I sing with the song, even adding the little parts. I scratch my head and yawn. I'm really tired lately, I guess it's always doing something with the guys. I can't remind myself they're leaving in two days. I have to remind myself I have two more amazing days with them. Always look for the positive. It's quite early, but I need sleep. I climb into my bed and fall asleep.

| Elliot |

I can't believe I did that to Ember. She hates me now. I pulled her hair and I had to tell my parents. I couldn't live with keeping it a secret.
"Elliot! That was horrible!" Mom shrieks. "What made you do that?"
"I really don't know." I look down.
"I'm ashamed of you. She's never going to come back now." Dad shakes his head.
"She was frustrating me."
"How? She was with Alex and his friends." Mom starts to raise her voice.
"She won't come and visit us now! She will run away with her boyfriend!"
"She won't!" I shout and run out the front door. She can't run away. They aren't even dating. I've really messed up now.

| Jack |

"Come on Alex! Hurry up!" I shout to him. He comes into the room after his shower. Me and him are sharing a room, Zack and Rian, and Rian is sharing his bed with Cassie.
"What are you gonna do about Ember?" I ask him as he sits on his bed.
"Nothing. She's my friend. We'll just talk and text and call. You know. Stay in touch." He shrugs. "Yeah, I don't want to leave her. She's like my best friend. But I can't do anything about it."
"Dude, you want her to be more than just your friend though."
"Whatever Jack. You just keep trying to play Cupid. I need to sleep."
"Why don't we do something again tomorrow?" I suggest. "Isn't there a cool club near her place?"
"Ask her in the morning. She'll probably be asleep by now, which is what I want to be." I shake my head at him and think. I guess they must just be friends, he told all of the fans that. They're gonna be mad if they start dating after Alex said that. But I guess it's their choice. I know it will happen. It's got to. Alex needs to find someone. He can't stay lonely the rest of his life. I hate to say it, but if they don't happen, he's gonna have to find someone else. And I'm saying that about two of my best friends.


Yeah, this is really just a filler but it's important.

Ember sounds like Juliet Simms, kinda, but she can do lots of songs and things with her voice.

I'm sorry but I said butt. And I was going to spell it like that.

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