Chapter Four: Showing Strength

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I grin, "Alright, we're good."

Class 1-B's team suddenly catches my eye, and I remember Monoma's quirk- copy.

"Don't let the blonde one touch you!" I point out, as the team approaches us.

"Why not?" Yayorozu asks.

"If he does, he can copy your quirk." I reply, and my team stops near him.

"Hello, Monoma." I hiss, as we circle him.

"Oh boy, it's the Endeavor twins." He mutters, "You already have the ten million points, what else could you want."

I laugh, "I came to tell you- DUCK!"

"Why would there possibly be a d-" Monoma is cut off as Tsu uses her tongue to take his headband.

She attempts to take mine as well but I freeze her tongue and use the earth to go high above everyone again.

"And the battle is over!" Present Mic announces, and I lower us back to the ground and jump out of everyone's hands, "Let's see who our top four teams are!"

I watch the board, "Coming in first place is the Todoroki team, with Yayorozu, and Iida! In second, it's team Midoryia! In third, it's team Shinsou! And although they were kicked out near the end, team Bakugo is in forth place!"

I high five all of my team mates, as Present Mic announces that we are taking an hour lunch break.

"(Y/N), you were amazing out there!" Uraraka squeals, I giggle.

"You were pretty good too, Uraraka." I reply, patting her head.

I walk with class 1-A, all except for Midoryia and Shoto. I remember this part of the episode, where Shoto explains his past to Midoryia and asks if he's All Might's secret love child.

After we eat in the cafeteria, I head back to the arena to participate in the finals.

Kaminari, Ojiro and another student from class 1-B ended up forfeiting the last round though, since Shinso used his quirk on them all. So they remembered nothing from the cavalry battles.

"Here are your matchups!" Midnight announces, and I glance up at the board.

I'm up against Hitoshi Shinso.

"That's you right, (Y/N) Todoroki?" A voice asks, and I glare at Shinso as I turn around.

Ojiro doesn't even need to tell me what the purple-haired guy can do, I've already watched this episode and I know not to reply.

"Are you really going to ignore me?" Shinso asks, I roll my eyes.

When the two of us stand in the middle of the arena. He opens his mouth to say something but I quickly cut him off.

"I already know you, Hitoshi Shinso." I hiss, "If I reply to your question you have complete control over me. Now it's over- I win."

He glares at me as Present Mic yells at us to begin.

I quickly touch the ground and let the roots of the earth grow out of the ground and wrap around Shinso. I move the roots over, they let him go and he's out of bounds.

"Only a few seconds in and (Y/N) Todoroki has already won the first match!" Present Mic yells.

"Thanks for the warmup." I chuckle, which makes Shinso really angry. I turn back to him. "Don't get angry, you can become a hero, but I'd focus more on your physical ability- not the talk. Don't rely on your quirk to do everything."

Surprised by my little bit of kindess, he nods and we both leave the arena. I sit down beside Uraraka.

"That round sure ended quickly." She says.

"Yeah, I knew what his quirk was and I quickly got him out of bounds before he could take control of me." I reply, "This is going to be easy to guess who wins against who."

Next was Shoto and Sero.

"Who's going to win this, Todoroki?" Bakugo hisses, crossing his arms like a child.

"My brother will, he's angry. He'll freeze Sero in a large block of ice." I reply, which makes the blond-haired boy snarl. "Also, call me (Y/N)."

But as all of class 1-A watches Shoto incase Sero in a large amount of ice, I smile.

"Why is he so mad?" Midoryia asks.

"Remember what he told you at lunch?" I reply, "Well Endeavor found him before the match and angered him."

Midoryia only nods, not questioning how I knew.

Now it was his round. Midoryia is going against Ibara Shiozaki. As Present Mic introduces the two students, I take a breath.

"How's this one going to go, (Y/N)?" Uraraka asks.

"I don't know." I reply, "This wasn't in the show. Since I'm in the fight, originally Kaminari was supposed to fight Shiozaki, and Midoryia was supposed to fight Shinso."

"So you don't know everything?!" Monoma yells from the 1-B side of the wall, "What a shocker!"

I touch the ground and bring up a piece of the dirt, shoving it in his mouth. He falls back into his chair as we turn to Midoryia's fight.

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