Chapter Ten: The First Sign

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(Y/N) Todoroki

When class 1-A finally arrives at the facillity, Midoryia asks about Kota but I quickly stop him from approaching.

"He's going to punch you in the balls if you approach, Midoryia." I tell him, but he ignores my warnings.

The second that he approaches the kid, his balls have been severed, and I'm laughing.

"I tried to warn you." I giggle.

"That brats got spunk." Bakugo mutters.

Shoto and I speak in unison, "He's like a mini version of you."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" Bakugo hisses, but as he turns around to yell at us, he realizes that I'm standing there.

For some reason, he decides to back down.

After, we get our things off of the bus and we eat and head to the hot springs. I know that this is the part where Mineta tries to climb the wall to get a look at us but Kota stops him.

I'm the last girl to enter the hot springs.

"We should play truth or dare!" Ashido squeals.

"Alright, I'll play." Yayorozu and the other girls say.

"I guess I'll join." I mutter.

"You're going first then, (Y/N)!" Ashido says, pointing at me.

I sigh, "Alright.."

"Truth or dare?"

I take a deep breath, "Truth, because I know how you'll be with a dare."

"Awh, you're no fun." She mutters, "Okay, if you had to choose any of the boys from our class- who would you kiss?"

I take a breath, "Fine, it'd have to be either..Bakugo or Kirishima."

"Wait, Bakugo, really?" Yayorozu asks, I nod.

"Hey, you're not allowed to judge me." I reply, "You have a crush on my brother."

"N-No I don't." She responds.

"Okay (Y/N), ask someone else." Ashido says.

"Uraraka," I mutter, "truth or dare?"

The brown-haired girl swallows, "Truth?"

I grin, "Do you have a crush on Midoryia?"

Uraraka freezes and a bright red blush appears on her face, "N-No, I don't."

I giggle, but accept her answer.

We continue to ask truths and dares around, but soon it's time to get out of the hot springs, and go to bed, so I change into my other clothes but as I head to my room, someone grabs my arm.

I turn around to see Kirishima.

"Oh hey Kirishima," I say, "What's up?"

"I-" He takes a breath, "Bakugo will kill me for saying this but- can we go to your room? I need to tell you something important."

I nod slowly, unsure of what the boy means.

Once we sit down on my bed, Kirishima takes a deep breath and turns to lock eye contact with me.

"So, you don't remember anything that's happened with Bakugo, right?" He asks, I nod. "Well, back in junior high, or at least this is the story that Midoryia told me. You and Midoryia were great friends, but Bakugo didn't like that you'd talk to him and ended up beating Midoryia up just to get you to leave him. When you refused, he told his friends to beat you up. You were in a coma for two days."

Wrong World - Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Eijiro KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now