Chapter Forty: Ejirio Kirishima

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(Play Sad Epic Emotional Music - Farewell Life)


    "Welcome back, (Y/N)!" Toshinori and the other UA teachers yell.

    A large (F/C) banner catches (Y/N)'s eyes as she enters UA's campus, on it displays "Welcome back, (Y/N)!" She smiles, walking beside her brother as her eyes glide across the campus and meet with every student from UA high, and every teacher.

    Shoto and (Y/N) walk through the crowd of students, smiling at each person who caught their eyes. Eventually, they reach a stage where all the UA teachers and Principal Nezu stand.

    "Come up, (Y/N)." He says, so she does.

    The hero stands beside the principal as he stands on a wooden box to speak into a microphone.   

"We are glad to see (Y/N) awake and healthy again." Nezu says, "Being our symbol of peace, a true hero, her bravery will never be forgotten. A true hero is not measured by their size or strength, but by their heart. On multiple occasions, (Y/N) was ready to give her life to save others. So in honor of her, UA has created something amazing. Drop the sheets, All Might!"

    Everyone turns their head to look at the former symbol of peace as he and a few others pull down the sheets of a tall object. When the sheet reveals a large figure of (Y/N) in stone. Tears immediately fill up her (E/C) eyes and she stares at the object in amazement. The sculpture is of her standing in her typical fighting pose, arms outstretched with her left side on fire and right side covered in ice. Her shoulders are covered in dirt and wrapped in dark green vines, while a tornado swirls above her.

    "We worked on this statue for the time that you were asleep." All Might says, "Well, by we, I mean all of UA high."

    Cheers ring out again, as (Y/N)'s face turns red with tears, and she turns to her brother.   

"Did you know about this?"

    He smiles and nods, "It was class 1-A's idea, well, it came from Kirishima and Bakugo first."

    The red and blond-headed boys step up onto the stage, and immediately, (Y/N) runs over and tackles them. She cries into their chests for a few moments, before finally leaning up to wipe her tears. She smiles.

    "T-Thank you." She mutters, "S-So much."

    "You're welcome, but it was Kirishima's idea." Katsuki states.

    The red-haired boy blushes, avoiding eye contact with the (H/C)-haired girl and rubbing the back of his neck. As (Y/N) glances over at Kirishima, Katsuki notices the look in her eyes, and sighs under his breath. Suddenly, he pulls her aside, grabbing onto her shoulders.

    "Go with him." He says, "I won't feel hurt, with who you want, I want you to be happy. Even if you won't be mine."

    "Katsuki.." (Y/N) mutters in reply, shocked.

    "No, don't say anything." the blond replies, putting his finger to her lips for a brief moment, "I don't want to change my mind."

    He pushes her lightly towards Kirishima. Since the hero wasn't expecting it, she ends up falling straight into the redhead's arms. It pains Katsuki's heart to see them like this, but he knows it's right. With a slight smile spread across his face, he turns away and shoves his hands in his pockets, walking behind UA high.

    For years, Eijiro and (Y/N) dated. They graduated UA high and became great heroes together. They got married. Now, as they both turned twenty-five recently, they sit in the living room of their house, with a boy and a girl sitting together on the floor. Their children, Arakan and Daitan. The boy, Arakan plays with his Deku and Red Riot figures, while the girl, Daitan plays with her Elementia and Uravity figures, giggling away.

Wrong World - Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Eijiro KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now