Chapter Nine: Pool Training

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(Y/N) Todoroki

All of class 1-A is heading to the pool. I am being dragged along because Shoto wants to get some exercise in.

"Shotoooo." I whine as we enter the changing room area, "You know that I lost my UA swimsuit. I don't want to wear a bikini, especially in front of MINETA!"

"Well, I can protect you from him- but unless you want to sit out on this training, I'd put a bathing suit on." He replies.

I sigh and head into the girl's changing room.

I knock on the boy's changing room after I change into my bathing suit.

"Shoto?" I call, the door opens to reveal my brother.

"Oh boy." He mutters, looking me up and down.

"This was your idea," I reply, "I'm wearing this either way."

He rolls his eyes, "Fine, let's go see everyone."

The two of us head out to the pool but Shoto stands in front of me as he opens the door.

"Todoroki! You made it. Where's (Y/N)?" Kirishima asks.

I step out from behind my brother, and the entire class freezes at the sight of me.

"Sorry- I lost my school swimsuit a while ago." I point out.

"Alright, on that note let's begin training!" Iida announces.

"(Y/N)!" Uraraka calls, "Come play volleyball with us!"

I smile but shake my head, "That's alright, Uraraka. I want to get some exercise in before the training camp."

She nods and continues to play with the other girls, while I follow Iida's lead and workout for a good thirty minutes- then Iida says we're going to take a fifteen-minute break. Midoryia and I climb out of the pool, breathing rapidly as Iida approaches the two of us with two Orange drinks.

"You two seem like you need a break." He says, I nod, gulping down the drink he just handed me.

"Is something wrong?" Midoryia asks, Iida shakes his head.

He goes to explain how weird it is that Midoryia and he became such good friends, but when he turns to me- he sighs.

"I never thought I'd even get to see you again." Iida says, "The way that you were acting during the entrance exam was something that the teacher's should have looked at. I know that you don't remember anything before the Sports Festival about your life here but- I'm sort of glad that you don't. If you did then, our class would be very different. And the Hero Killer would have hurt my brother, or would still be on the loose. So thank you, (Y/N)."

I smile, giggling, "It's alright, Iida."

I look over to my right at the other boys, and I lock eyes with Kirishima. He smiles and waves at me, and I reply with the same gesture but then Kaminari whispers in his ear and Kirishima suddenly squeals like a little girl and runs into the school.

All of the boys start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Midoryia asks.

Kaminari wipes a tear from his eye, "Kirishima had a boner so I told him and he suddenly squealed and said, 'I DIDN'T ACTIVATE MY QUIRK, WHAT'S GOING ON!?' It was hilarious."

I depan.

To distract myself, I drink the rest of the drink Iida gave me and I jump back into the pool. I do a few laps before I hear Bakugo and Midoryia fighting.

"We're making this a race!" Iida yells.

I am the only girl who's participating.

The first group is Mineta, Tokoyami, Koda, Kaminari, Bakugo, and I. Once Yayorozu tells us to go, I create two small tornadoes of air and jump into the water, letting them blow me to the otherside. Bakugo uses his explosions but he's not fast enough and I win.

We watch the other two groups swim, and it ends up being Midoryia, Shoto, and I as the last three.

We line up and attempt to start the last race to see who the winner is, but then Mr. Aizawa opens the door and I watch as Midoryia and Shoto fall into the water. I didn't jump because I remember that Mr. Aizawa was going to open the door here.

"It's five o'clock, hurry up and go home." He hisses.

After I change out of my bikini and I wait for Shoto outside the door to the boy's changing room, I hear one of the girl's scream.

I rush inside to see everyone gathered around the hole that I thought was covered up after last time.

"MINORU MINETA!" I scream, and I can feel the fear of the boy's changing room as I stab my vine through the small hole and poke Mineta in the eye.

"I warned you, now make sure everyone's dressed- I'm coming in there to beat this message into you." I hiss, leaving the girl's changing room and busting down the door of the boys.

All of them stare at me with fear, I walk past them and go straight to Mineta- who's cowering at my feet.

"(Y/N) you can't be in here!" Iida yells, but I use my vines to cover his mouth as I lean down to Mineta's level.

"You know, I have proof that you're doing this now." I mutter, "How do you think Mr. Aizawa will feel if he knows one of his students keeps attempting to get a peek of the girls?"

"P-Please don't tell him." Mineta squeaks, I glare at him.

"Then don't ever do it again." I reply, "I'm only giving you this last warning because I don't want to hurt you. If you do this ever again, I will challenge you to a duel. And of course, you know how that will go."

As I'm about to leave the locker room, I turn back to my brother, "Also Shoto, we need to talk when you're done."

My brother nods and I exit the boy's locker room.

I lean against the wall near their door and wait again for my brother to exit. Once he does, we walk beside each other.

"What did you need to talk about?" Shoto asks.

"Do you think I'm ready to learn about the rest of my past?" I ask, shoving my hands in my pockets.

My brother sighs, "No, I do not think you are ready." I turn to him to retort but he puts his hand up to silence me, "We'll discuss it later, alright?"

I nod slowly, and we walk in silence the rest of the way home.

The next day, it's time to go to the training camp.

"We are going to push you here, don't forget that." Mr. Aizawa says, as all of out class piles onto the 1-A bus.

I sit beside my brother, and eventually as the bus drives across the road towards the camp, I fall asleep on my brother's shoulder.

When I wake up, we've stopped miles from the facility.

Pixie-Bob is explaining that they own all of the land and as she's getting to the part about where the facility is, I start walking towards the area that the girl is standing in front of.

"Where are you going?!" She asks.

"We're supposed to get to the facility by noon, right?" I reply.

Pixie-Bob laughs and Ragdoll shakes the ground, sending all of us to the ground below.

"Ragdoll is controlling the tree monsters here, be careful." I watch as my classmates fight the beasts together.

I keep my energy until I can see the facility clearly, then I freeze every monster I see and my classmates follow the ice path I created to get to the facility. Even though I was here, we were still late.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?'

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