Chapter Twenty-One: Comatose

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Third Person

    After Overhaul was defeated, Sir Nighteye passed away. But back when the villains were being taken away to jail, (Y/N) passed out, just like Eri. Neither of them have woken up yet. When Kirishima, Midoryia, Uraraka, and Tsu step through the doors into the dorms they are bombarded with questions.

    "WHERE THE HELL IS (Y/N)!?" Bakugo yells, approaching the four students angrily.

    "(Y/N) is in a coma," Kirishima replies softly, "She fought hard but she got angry and her power got the best of her. She's frostbitten on her right side, burned on her left, and dirt and vines seem to have taken over her right arm."


    But Iida stopped the students from bothering their classmates anymore. Everyone was hurting now. Without (Y/N), it was almost like she was captured by the League of Villains again.

    Soon enough, everyone who was involved in the rescue of Eri attended Sir Nighteye's funeral, and the small white-haired girl finally woke up. Except, (Y/N) still hadn't.

    "Sir, what's going on with (Y/N)?" Iida asks, as Aizawa enters the classroom.

    "She is still in her coma," the teacher replies, "The doctors said that her body couldn't handle the power that she used to attack Overhaul and is now trying to rest. Though, with the amount of damage done to her, she may not be able to use her powers in such a way ever again."


    "Stop scaring them, Aizawa."

    Class 1-A quickly snaps their heads towards the door to see Recovery Girl. Her face is sad, but she plasters a smile over it.

    "(Y/N) is healing alright, but her brain is still in sleep mode. The doctors don't know if or when she'll wake up." Recovery Girl states.

    A few days later, after class 1-A decided what their theme is going to be for the Cultural Festival, a request comes in from the hospital. Aizawa got Togata, and Midoryia, bring them to Eri.

    "Sorry we couldn't come see you earlier." Midoryia mutters, as Eri suddenly lunges at him, hugging him.

    "And sorry that (Y/N) can't be here, she's still..sleeping."

    "I'm sorry," Eri says, "Everyone was so hurt because of me. I was the reason you all got hurt.."   

Togata ruffles the girl's hair, "No one is blaming you! They're all just happy that you are safe! They just want to see you smile."

    The small child tries to smile, but her face doesn't let her.

    "H-How do you smile again?" She asks.

    "Aizawa, how about she comes to the Cultural Festival?" Midoryia suggests, earning a small grin from the teacher.

    Togata explains what the festival is to Eri, Aizawa takes out his phone and begins to text the principal.

    "What do you say, Eri?" Midoryia asks.

    "I-I've been thinking..ever since I've been saved, I've been thinking about the people who saved me, Deku, Lemillion, Elementia, and everyone else, I want to get to know them more!" She replies.

    Even though the Cultural Festival is a month away, class 1-A and the rest of UA rush to finish everything that they've planned. On Saturday, Eri is given a tour of UA high with Togata and Midoryia.

    As the three head to the support class' area, Eri tugs on the green-haired boy's shirt, "Where is (Y/N) today, Deku?"

    Figuring that telling Eri the truth would help the curiosity, instead of just suppressing it, Togata speaks up, "You see, when someone's body is injured greatly, their brain puts them in a sleep-like state to keep them from getting any more hurt and it keeps them from feeling the pain that the injury might have caused. For (Y/N), she overused her quirk and it damaged her that greatly. She'll be okay, Eri. (Y/N) is a great hero and tough woman, she'll pull through."

    The small girl next to him slowly nods, as the two boys lead her around UA for the rest of the tour. Eventually, they end up back in the cafeteria.

    "So Eri, how do you like it here?" Midoryia asks.

    "I don't really know.." the white-haired girl replies, "So many people are trying their hardest so I want to know how it will turn out."

    A few tables away, another voice speaks, "We call that feeling excitement."

    Togata, Midoryia, and Eri glance over to see Midnight and Principal Nezu.

    "I'm also excited for the Cultural Festival!" Nezu says, "In order to throw the best festival they can, many of the students bring encouragement, excitement and try to create a good time for everyone! Although, it's such a shame that (Y/N) is still asleep. She would have loved to be apart of this. Well anyways, enjoy the festival as your heart desires!"

    The small mammal leaves the cafeteria, as the memory of the Commissioner-General telling Nezu that the Culture Festival should be canceled due to the villain's numbers increasing.   

"What's the reason behind this direct visit from the commissioner-general?" Nezu asked.   

"The number of villains is increasing and the heroes are currently destabilized. If anything happens here, that makes preventing the next attack impossible. We should avoid risk and quietly focus on raising the next generation of heroes." he replied.

    "You are quite right, however.."

    "Enough. What you're doing is practically handing over our jewels to the villains." The commissioner responded, "Especially Endeavor's daughter. The press are having a fun time pulling your school apart for letting her get hurt in a mission with her internship. She's in a coma and those doctors have no idea if she'll ever wake up!"

    Nezu sighed, bowing "At this time in particular, I consider this a necessary event for the students. So, I beg of you! We cannot afford to count on a dark future."

    The animal looked back up at the man, a playful smile displaying itself on his face, "And I have faith that (Y/N) will survive. She has been through so much, something as small as this has nothing against her."

    That night, class 1-A hands together in the common room of their dorm building.

    With a serious thought on her mind, Jiro decides to speak up, "Alright, I had this idea ever since we first started talking about the Cultural Festival..I know we've all been working hard to play this disco song but what if we..dedicate it to (Y/N)?"

    Shoto's ears on the other side of the room perk up at the mention of his sister's name. Kirishima and Bakugo also stop what they're doing to look over at Jiro.

    "Wouldn't we need to restart everything though?" Mineta complains, earning himself a slap on the head from Hagakure.

    "No actually," Yayorozu steps in, "We can keep the stage mostly the same, since most of it was (F/C) anyways. The only problem areas would be the music and choreography. What song should we play then?"

    "We should probably play one that reflects the current situation," Iida suggests, "Possibly one about overcoming an obstacle? Except that might be hard to dance to if it's slow and sad."

    "It's alright," Ashido buts in, "I can dance to anything!"

    "Alright then, if we're all on board with this, I have the perfect song to play."

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