Chapter Fourteen: Back to the Real World

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(Y/N) Todoroki

During the week before our hero license exam, after training- I am always the first back to the dorms. No one in class 1-A has asked what I've been doing but truthfully, I don't know either.

Today I plan to use my water quirk with the outlet in my dorm. I want to see if I can get home using this quirk. Since I was brought here because of electricution, maybe I can go back the same way.

Just as I'm about to place my left hand that has a ball of water floating within it, a knock comes on my door.

I push back the urge to sigh, shutting off my water quirk and opening the door to reveal a certain green-haired boy.

"What is it, Midoryia?" I ask, only opening the door slightly.

"Well since we have a few hours before curfew, I was wondering if you wanted to work on seeing if we can get you home?" He replies, blushing slightly.

I look down at the floor, and then I open the door fully, allowing him inside.

"I was just about to test a theory anyways." I reply.

We both sit down on my bed.

"What was that theory?" Midoryia replies.

"Well I got here because I got electrocuted, maybe I can go back the exact same way?"

The broccoli boy tilts his head, "Doesn't that seem dangerous though? You could get really hurt if your theory is wrong."

"I know, but what other choice do I have?" I mutter.

"Fine, but if you get hurt we're not doing it your way."

I nod and Midoryia watches me as I create a ball of water, and approach the electrical outlet. I can almost feel his heartbreak as I touch the outlet and feel the electro currents flow through me.

For the last few seconds of the electric pain, I fall backward and see Midoryia rush to my aid, but I fade into darkness and his freckles fade from view.

When I open my eyes again, they are greeted with the My Hero Academia poster that I posted in my real room. Wait, WHAT!

I jump forward, touching the poster.

"MOM?! DAD!?" I scream, rushing out of my real room.

"(Y/N)!?" I hear.

Footsteps rush to me and I lock eyes with my real parents again, tears rush to my eyes and I run to them, embracing them.

"Where have you been?" Dad asks, as we pull away.

"Well- it's hard to explain." I respond, "I got electrocuted while watching My Hero Academia, and I got transported to their world."

Remembering that my mother also briefly watched MHA with me one night, I glance to her.

"I was Shoto Todoroki's sister." And her face freezes.

"Wait so you were stuck in the My Hero Academia world for TWO MONTHS!?" She squeals.

"Honey, I honestly think she's just trying to cover up the fact that she snuck out with some boy." My dad whispers.

"No dad," I respond, "I'm not. I'm serious. I was apart of their world. Apparently I was already apart of their world before I was electrocuted and they already had a different view of me but I couldn't remember anything that happened."

"Dear, I think you've just been through a lot." Mom mutters, "Maybe we should start taking you to a psychiatrist again."

I glare at her, "No, I- I'm not going back there. Not again," I turn back to my room, "I thought we could make peace."

Without another word, I shut the door to my room and glance at the outlet. I can't use a quirk in the real world, but sitting on my nightstand is a bottle of water I was drinking while watching MHA before everything happened. I take the bottle and pour it over my hands and the outlet, then I put them together.

I clench my jaw as more intense pain than ever before shoots through my body and I pass out again.

I can hear my bedroom door begin slammed open as my body fades out of existence and I fade into darkness at the sight of my parent's horrified faces.

I open my eyes again to see my Hero Academia dorm room. Midoryia sits on the floor, rocking himself back and forth.

"Midoryia?" I call out, rubbing my head.

He whirls around and rushes at me, hugging me tightly.

"G-Guys!" he yells out, "She came back!"

Suddenly the entirety of class 1-A rushes into my dorm.

"It was terrifying," Midoryia says as he stops hugging me, "When you electrocuted yourself to get to your world, your body started pixelating. I started crying and some of the other students were able to get up here in time to see your face disappear. You had turned to dust for a few moments. And then I was scared that you'd never get to come back, that you'd never get to visit us again. Then everyone would've never been able to say goodbye and-"

I cut the green boy off with a hug, "I'm here now, Midoryia."

He cries on my shoulder, and eventually, the rest of my classmates join a giant group hug together. When we pull away, Tsu sticks her tongue out- indicating that she is thinking.

"Why did you come back, (Y/N)?" She asks, "Your real parents were in the real world? Did something happen?"

I sigh, "My parents and I were never on good terms. My childhood was full of fights either between me or them. When they saw me, even though they were happy- they doubted me and wanted to make me go to a psychiatrist because they wouldn't believe my stories about your world. There were many bad moments that happened whenever I was at the psychiatrist, so I decided to leave. And- well, I don't think I'm ever going back."

Kirishima pushes himself through the crowd of students, hugging me and placing his head in the crook of my neck.

"I was terrified to lose you." He mutters, "When Midoryia called for us, I couldn't believe him. I couldn't believe the fact that you were going to leave without me telling you something that I've wanted to tell you for a while now."

He takes a breath, pulling away and putting his hands in mine, "I really like you, (Y/N)- no, I love you."

Katsuki quickly thrusts himself through his classmates, pushing Kirishima away and taking my hands, "I fucking like you too (Y/N)!" He yells, "Way longer than shitty hair over here!"

I giggle as the two boys turn to each other and start yelling insults.

Wrong World - Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Eijiro KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now