Chapter Thirty-Nine: Four Months

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Play Hymn for the Missing by Red

    (Bold and itallic are the lyrics of the song above.)

    It's been four months since (Y/N) Todoroki fell into a coma. The world is terrified. They can't suffer from another loss of a Symbol of Peace. Today, the entire Todoroki family stands around their family member as she sleeps. Shoto holds his sister's right hand, while Fuyumi holds her left. Rei and Enji haven't spoken a word to each other, but inside the former number one hero's head, he's cursing. He promised his daughter that he'd talk to Rei and try to patch up the things that he's done wrong in his life.

    The doctors forewarned the family that (Y/N) may not come out of the coma this time. Her body has been slowly breaking down because of the overuse of her quirk. And with her respiratory system damaged, if she does wake up, life could be totally different. She may have to resign from being the number one hero, or from being the Symbol of Peace entirely.

    "Hey Fuyumi, wanna go test some of the hospital food?" Natsuo suddenly asks.

    "Huh?" his sister replies, "Sure."

    The two siblings leave abruptly, leaving Enji, Rei, and Shoto with (Y/N)'s sleeping state.

    "I'm sorry, Rei.." Enji finally mutters, earning a confused glance from the woman, "I put you and the kids through hell. If- if I had've treated (Y/N) better, the clone that came after her wouldn't exist. It's my fault she's like this." Shoto and Rei give each other a confused glance at the man as he begins to break down into tears.

    "Enji, that's all in the past now." Rei says, surprising everyone, "All of us have done terrible things. I think the copy of (Y/N) would've come after her anyway. You can't change that now. I'm sure our daughter will wake up." She sighs, "She has to."

    The man nods slowly, not pushing his luck, "I'm going to go talk with the doctors." As he walks off, Rei follows without a word. She smiles at him reassuringly, leaving Shoto with his sister.

    Are you afraid?

    Are you searching for me?

    Shoto stares at his sister's sleeping frame tiredly. For the four months that she's been here, he's barely slept. He wants to be the first thing that (Y/N) see's when she wakes up. The rest of class 1-A and some of the citizens that (Y/N) saved in her time of being a hero, as well as some other heroes have come to visit. They were all sad not to see her awake, though.

    I had to stay.

    Now I'm reaching for you.

    "Sis, if you can hear me, you have to wake up." He whispers, feeling tears begin to well in his eyes, "This world needs you, you're our Symbol of Peace. I love you, (Y/N). Please wake up, do it for me. Do it for Kirishima and Bakugo. Do it for Izuku. You love them, don't you?" He chokes up on his words and breaks down beside his sister.

    He freezes when her hand clenches his, but upon looking at her face, he can easily tell that she's still in her coma. But in a way, she's present in the moment. He slightly smiles and lays his head down beside her, slowly falling asleep to her breathing.

    Will you wait?

    Will I see you again?

     When his eyes open again, (Y/N)'s are still closed. He sighs, and goes to yawn, but the action is interrupted when Katsuki, Kirishima, and Midoryia enter the hospital room. The three boys look terrified. Kirishima seems to be overtired, while Katsuki and Midoryia have most likely been crying. The green-haired boy runs to his boyfriend side, and gives him a long hug.

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