Chapter Fifteen: License Exams

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(Y/N) Todoroki

"Alright boys, please- knock it off." I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

    Everyone turns to stare at me, and I grin, "I-I uh- I haven't had anyone admit that they liked me so um...I don't know what to say."

    "WHAT!?" Mineta squeaks, "HOW IN THE WORLD!"

    Ashido speaks up, "I have an idea so we can figure out who you really love and should be with! How about you spend one week with each of the boys as boyfriend and girlfriend, see how it goes and then you choose in two weeks!"

    I deadpan, "That might end up going badly, Ashido. I may fall in love with the first person I spend the week with and then it will make it awkward between me and the second."

    Yayorozu speaks up, "How about we just get past the Hero License exams before we start getting distracted by love interests?"

    Iida nods, "I agree."

    So we continue to train for the rest of the week, but I continue to think of a way to choose between Bakugo and Kirishima. Eventually, it's the day of the hero license exam.

    "Ugh, I'm getting kind of nervous." Jiro mutters, I giggle.

    "Don't worry, it's not as difficult as it seems." I reply, "Since we're here, I can tell you what we're doing..except the guy in there will tell us anyways. Oh wait! There's a villain in here."

    My class snaps their necks to me, "WHAT?!"

    "She's disguised as one of the students from Shiketsu High, ugh I forget her name but the second I see her, I'll say something. Anyways, she has blood from Uraraka because of the attack during the training camp, unless she didn't touch you." I continue.

    "No, Deku and the others fought her off during the camp so we should be safe then, right?" Uraraka says.

    I nod, then I turn to my brother, "Shoto, there's also a boy from Shiketsu that doesn't like you or Endeavor but please work with him, you fail the exam if you don't."

    "Alright, sis." He responds.

    As everyone goes to call out plus ultra, Inasa from Shiketsu barges into our huddle. He smacks his head on the ground to apologize and ends up bleeding.

    As the students walk away, I poke my brother, "That's the boy who hates you."

    As Mr. Aizawa tells us to watch out for Inasa, I can hear the click of heels and I approach our teacher with a grin, pointing in the direction of the noise, "Say hi to Ms. Joke, Aizawa!"

    He turns and grunts at the sight of the girl.

    Soon enough, her students from Ketsubutsu High appear in a group, and Shindo begins shaking everyone's hands. When he gets to me though, he freezes.

    "My, what beautiful eyes you have." He mutters, holding my hands for just the smallest bit too long.

    "Hey, hands off! This is Bakugo and Kirishima's property!" Kaminari and Mineta squeal, pushing the boy away, as they stand in front of me like guards.

"I am not PROPERTY!"

    Shindo glares daggers into them for a second, but I push the boys away, "Hey Shindo." He freezes as he hears me say his name.

    "How do you know my name?" He mutters.

    "I know a lot of things." I respond, "I know that this nice thing is just an act. You might know our quirks, but I know everyone else's quirk as well. You're going to have some fun, fighting me."   

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