Chapter 47

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Chapter 47- Me, Myself, and I (Ryan, Ryan, and Ryan)


So, in the last chapter, Flame3993 asked if when I asked What do you think would happen if Tina was introduced in Minecraft Life while Tori and Ryan are dating?, if I meant the real Life or his fanfic one. Which, I got the joke, it was great. I meant the real one. Again, great joke.

Daycare Ryan's P.O.V.

Man. What a day. Tina just kissed me! Out of no where. Not that I mind or anything, but still. You gotta warn a man about this stuff. I should call Unicorn. I pick up my phone and call him. But something strange happened. UNICORN HANGED UP! I MEAN WHAT THE HECK! Ding. Someone texted me. Someone I don't know. I shouldn't text back. Mom has said not to. But I mean, what if it's my royal uncle that is offering me money in exchange for all my personal information? Those things are trustworthy.


Life Ryan: Tori? Are you okay?

Daycare Ryan: Tori, I ain't no Tori!

Life Ryan: The f**k? Who are you.

Daycare Ryan: Phhhffft.

Daycare Ryan: You don't know me. That's a good one. Don't you know, I'm Ryan Rocky!

Life Ryan: No your not.

Daycare Ryan: And how would you know Mr. DooDoo Pants?

Life Ryan: Because I'm Ryan Rocky.

Daycare Ryan: No, I'm Ryan Rocky.

Life Ryan: Actually, I'm Ryan Rocky.

Daycare Ryan: NO ME!

Daycare Ryan: ME ME ME ME ME!

Life Ryan: For f**k sakes, it's like arguing with a four year old.

Daycare Ryan: JOKES ON YOU! I AM FOUR!

Life Ryan: Well that explains a sh*t ton of things.


Life Ryan: Holy f**k

Daycare Ryan: My gosh man, where did you come from?

Dragons Ryan: Sorry for the outburst, I just saw what's happening here.

Life Ryan: And what's happening?

Dragons Ryan: We're all Ryan Rocky! We are just from separate dimensions.

Daycare Ryan: I'm getting some Spooder Man Into The Spooderverse vibes.

Life Ryan: Well s**t, that means that my atoms are gonna start decaying now.

Dragons Ryan: THIS IS SO COOL! We can get to know each other! See how different we are!

Daycare Ryan: I see what your saying, I like it!


Life Ryan: I'm too emotionally unstable for this, can I go?

Daycare Ryan: NOPE!

Dragons Ryan: First question, what do we like to do?

Daycare Ryan: Drink tea and play video games.

Dragons Ryan: G&G!

Life Ryan: Controlling my fire powers to ensure that I don't go psycho and accidentally kill everyone I care about.

Daycare Ryan: Wow.

Dragons Ryan: That's dark.

Daycare Ryan: Yeah dude, way to kill the mood.

Life Ryan: Sorry.

Daycare Ryan: Next question!

Dragons Ryan: Who is your crush?

Daycare Ryan: Really man?

Dragons Ryan: What! I'm curious!

Life Ryan: You know you have to answer too right?

Dragons Ryan: Poop.

Daycare Ryan: Well, mine, is Tina.

Dragons Ryan: Same here.

Life Ryan: Mine's Tori.

Dragons & Daycare Ryan: Who?

Life Ryan: You guys don't have Tori in your universe!?

Life Ryan: Man you guys are missing out.

Dragons Ryan: Hmmmm.

Daycare Ryan: What?

Dragons Ryan: I'm theorizing.

Life Ryan: Can I ask the next question?

Daycare Ryan: Sure

Life Ryan: What is our favorite food?

Daycare Ryan: TEA!

Dragons Ryan: TEA!

Life Ryan: But tea is not a f**king food. Whatever.

Life Ryan: Well mine, is bacon.

Daycare Ryan: Meh. Bacon is only okay.

Life Ryan: ONLY OK!



Dragons Ryan: OKAY!

Dragons Ryan: Calm down time!

Life Ryan: Okay. I'm sorry. Just let's move on.

Daycare Ryan: Who does our friend group consist of?

Life Ryan: Tori, Matt, and Lexi.

Dragons Ryan: Tina, Goldy, Unicorn Mann, Lizzie, Cookie, and Kat.

Daycare Ryan: Tina, Goldy, and Unicorn Mann.

Daycare Ryan: Hold up, COOKIE is your friend?

Dragons Ryan: Yeah? Is that weird?

Daycare Ryan: She hates me!

Dragons Ryan: Really? Why?

Life Ryan: Hey dudes, I have to go. Class starts in 2 minutes.

Dragons Ryan: But it's Saturday?

Life Ryan: So?

Life Ryan: Anyways, see ya!

Daycare Ryan: Well this was a fun experience.

Dragons Ryan: I know right!

Dragons Ryan: Maybe we can get it so that different Unicorn Manns, Goldys, And Tinas to talk!

Daycare Ryan: Maybe in a future chapter.

Dragons Ryan: A future what?

Daycare Ryan: Nevermind.


Question Of The Day!

FMR or Tyan, and why?

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