Chapter 145

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Chapter 145- Resolutions (Everyone)


Happy New Years everybody. 2018 was an amazing year! The amount of people who have seen this book is amazing. Thank you all so much! The support this book has gotten is amazing! I'm glad people are enjoying this book. I hope it is entertaining you guys. I also want to thank you guys for another thing. I believe that you guys have motivated me to improve my writing, which I believe I have. For that I want to thank you guys too. And I hope you guys have a great New Year! Sorry that this chapter is late, I meant to upload this on January 1st, but I didn't finish it in time. And sorry if it's bad, I had to rush at the end so it might be bad. Nevertheless, I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Let's hope we have fun, in 2020.

Also, idontsleepijustcry had a few questions about this story. So I'm just going to answer them. I also want to answer 3 out of 5 of their PS's.

0. Do all of those chapters even relate? Not really. This story is just a bunch of stories about the characters from the Daycare that includes texting. They don't really relate to each other that often. Although sometimes certain lines of dialogue reference previous chapters.

0. Are there multiple stories going on? I would say that every chapter (unless it's a part 2 or a continuation of another previous chapter) is a new story. So yes, there are multiple stories.

0. What's the status with Anti? I'll be honest. I feel as if he doesn't belong in THIS book. For stories like Can't I Fit In Anywhere, he fits in perfectly. PERFECTLY. But I feel like in this book I kinda butchered the character. So I don't really include him anymore, but if you want me to keep on including him I could.

0. How's everyone's love interests? Fine. Tina Likes Ryan. Ryan Likes Tina. Unicorn Likes Goldy. Goldy Likes Unicorn? Tony Likes Kat. Kat Likes Tony. Cookie still likes *insert name of whoever you ship Cookie with* Danny likes Skye. Skye Likes Danny. Although I ship Dave x Angel, Angel Likes Sal And Sal Likes her back. Dave potentially Likes Angel. Nothings really changed.

0. Did Dave lose his memory, as he seemed to have it back after a few chapters of having lost it? Well, I did say in the A/N that that chapter was non canon, so y'know. That was a one time thing.

0. And about the contradictions in this book. Well, you know. After 145 chapters and 5 filler chapters I start to forget some things. Also this book doesn't have consistency (because this book is poorly written) so sorry if there are contradictions.

PS 1. Dave's humour has been amazing in this story, he should publish, "Dave's Dino Jokes Despite Having Nothing To Do With Dinos At All (Rated PG though popular critics and reviews say it should be PG-13 to R).

Thanks, Dave is definitely the character I work the hardest on so I'm glad you enjoy him. I hope I'm able to keep up Dave's humor. And for the book thing, I think that would be a cool idea. It sounds cool.

PS 2. I think you should make a chapter about Dave being abused and depressed. You could additionally add that he had little self worth and thinks everyone hates him, but then have someone *ahem* Angel *cough* *cough* help him through it and their *cough* romantic *heave* *ahem* relationship and bond could improve. Yeah, I think you know my ship.

I could try that. I don't know if I have the writing skills to write something so serious, but I could definitely try. And maybe I will add Dave x Angel. Maybe. We'll see. But this was a super cool suggestion. Thank you.

PS 4. Hi.



I know this A/N is super long but we gotta talk about how Unicorn doesn't like Goldy anymore like holy heck! I did not see that coming! What are your thoughts on the supposed end of the Goldycorn ship (canon-wise)? Me personally, I think it's for the best. Goldy wasn't really affected, but Unicorn would have just gotten crippling depression if it went on. I do have a problem though. Even if it's for the best Goldycorn ends, I have to ask this. What was the point of us cheering for Unicorn to get Goldy all these years if Ryguymedia's just gonna drop it. Like Goldycorn shippers have been waiting and then it just shattered just like that. I dunno, I'm still iffy about it. Again, leave me your thoughts, I'd love to hear 'em. Apparently Olive x Unicorn is gonna be a thing now. I mean I guess, it's cute, it's fine. It's just personally creepy to me becuase I did write that One A/N about Olive being a potential child like figure to Unicorn Mann in Heroes so Yeah.......extremely creepy. But y'know, it's whatever, I'm still iffy about this new thing. I know I've said this a lot, but again. What are your thoughts on Goldy Ron ending and Olicorn (Is that right?) coming in?

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