Chapter 27

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Chapter 27- Luke (Goldy and "Unicorn Mann)

(Requested By: Crystalize0193)

Note: This idea was great. I can honestly see a whole fanfic being created around this idea, so Crystalize0193, thanks.

Goldy's P.O.V.

This is just so weird. Unicorn was odd today. We were playing truth or dare and Tina asked if he had another identity. And Unicorn looked really uncomfortable. But, the most surprising thing was is that he said yes. Does that mean that he has a different name. Is his name not Unicorn Mann? Well. He seemed uncomfortable. Maybe I should just not bug him about it. NAH! I whip out my phone and threw it out that ding-dang window!

Take 2

I whip out my phone and begin to text Unicorn. If that's even his real name.


Golden Midget: hey buddies

#UnicornsAreReal: Hey Goldy.

Golden Midget: can i ask u a question

#UnicornsAreReal: Sure

Golden Midget: whats ur real name

#UnicornsAreReal: Um

#UnicornsAreReal: What are you talking about? Unicorn Mann is my real name.

Golden Midget: then y were u so uncomfortable when tina asked if u have a real name

#UnicornsAreReal: Listen. It's personal.

Golden Midget: come on

Golden Midget: just tell me

#UnicornsAreReal: I promise, my name is Unicorn Mann.

Golden Midget: im not a idiot

Golden Midget: I know ur hiding something

#UnicornsAreReal: THAT'S ENOUGH!

#UnicornsAreReal: ...

#UnicornsAreReal: Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled.

Golden Midget: its fine

#UnicornsAreReal: I scared you. Didn't I?

Golden Midget: a lil bit

#UnicornsAreReal: Sorry

#UnicornsAreReal: Fine, I'll tell you my real name.

Golden Midget: yes

Golden Midget: yes

Golden Midget: yes

Golden Midget: yes

Golden Midget: yes

#UnicornsAreReal: Um

#UnicornsAreReal: But first, promise not to tell anyone.

Golden Midget: i wont tell anyone

#UnicornsAreReal: Okay. My name is Luke.

#UnicornsAreReal: You happy?

Golden Midget: thats such a cool name

#UnicornsAreReal: Thanks

Golden Midget: wait a minute

*Golden Midget changed #UnicornsAreReal's name to Luke I Am Yo Father*

Luke I Am Yo Father: Okay, now you're pushing it.

Golden Midget: pwease keep it

Luke I Am Yo Father: Fine. Your lucky your so cute.

Golden Midget: cute?

Luke I Am Yo Father: Um


Golden Midget: ok bye


Luke. That's a nice name. I can't believe that Unicorn Mann isn't Luke's real name! I mean, I wish my name was Luke. But hey, being named Goldy ain't so bad. But that does make me ask another question about his name.

WhY wOuLd He HiDe It?

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