Chapter 110

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Chapter 110- NEW YORK (Goldy and Unicorn Mann)

Requested By: @adventurouswolf3

Notes: I honestly love the amount of detail put in this request and the fact that it feels like something that would actually happen. Thanks.

Unicorn's P.O.V.

Should I text her? Should I just leave her alone? I mean, she's on vacation Unicorn. You shouldn't try to interrupt it. Yikes. I'm a mess when Goldy ain't around, who knew I would be so lonely? You know what. I will text her......No. It feels like a selfish thing to do. Oh I can't take it anymore! I have to talk to Goldy!

I feel so desperate without her! I'm craving a weird random conversation with wacky hi jinx in it! I whip out my phone. I fumble around with it trying to open it.

Oh f*k I dropped it. Oh wait, I didn't, it's in my hand. I pull up Goldy's account. I pause. No, she's on vacation. I can't do this to her. Even if I'm lonely, she's on vacation. She should be having fun with her parents. She doesn't need to think about me. I put my phone away. Mere moments after I put my phone in my pocket, it vibrates. I pull it back out. Huh. How convenient. Goldy texted me! Oh my gosh thank God I was so close to crumbling out of conflicting thoughts there.


Golden Midget: hey bud!

Lukewarm: Hey Goldy. How's your vacation?

Golden Midget: it's great!

Golden Midget: i'm seeing so many cool things!

Lukewarm: I'm glad your having fun.

Golden Midget: dude, I say a guy juggling chainsaws!

Golden Midget: it's so cool, can you juggle chainsaws!?

Lukewarm: I mean I tried it once, almost sliced off my foot in the process.

Golden Midget: oof

Golden Midget: i also encountered some random creep today.

Lukewarm: A creep?

Golden Midget: yeah, some dude our age just walked up to me and started talking to me.

Golden Midget: but the things he said were super confusing, he asked if it hurt when I fell from heaven

Lukewarm: HE WHAT!

Golden Midget: yeah right! like, how am i supposed to remember falling form heaven?

Lukewarm: He didn't say anything else, right!?

Golden Midget: he said two more things, he said that if I was a triangle that I would be an acute one.

Golden Midget: which i dunno, i've been feeling more of an obtuse gal recently.

Lukewarm: ...

Golden Midget: he also said if he could have a kiss? fortunately i had no Hershey's on me at the time, no way I would give those things away.

Lukewarm: I'm so sorry you had to deal with that Goldy. If I saw that creep I would have told him to back off.

Golden Midget: oh, dont worry bout it bud, my dad fist bumped his hands aggressively together and for some reason the punk got scared and ran away.

Lukewarm: Yeah, how weird. He got scared of "fist bumps."

Golden Midget: yeah. man i wish you were here seeing all this cool stuff.

Golden Midget: i would tell you, but you probs don't want to hear about it.

Lukewarm: No no no no no. I'm free, I really want to hear about the time your having in New York.

Golden Midget: oh sweet, you wanna hear!?

Lukewarm: Whatever you want to tell me, you can tell me.

Golden Midget: sweet! hey, do you remember when i said that we should swim in maple syrup.

Lukewarm: Yes? Where is this going?

Golden Midget: well my dad bought a huge kiddy pool, and me and my mom filled it up with maple syrup!

Lukewarm: Did you swim in it?

Golden Midget: yep. it was super dope.

Lukewarm: Did your parents enjoy watching you?

Golden Midget: my mom enjoyed watching, my dad swam in it with me!

Lukewarm: Man, that would have been really funny to see. I wish I saw that.

Golden Midget: yeah, it was super funny.

Golden Midget: how are things with you?

Lukewarm: It's practically normal life, but it's more boring when your not here.

Golden Midget: awww bud.

Golden Midget: virtual hug!

Lukewarm: Virtual Hug back?

Golden Midget: ooo! you know what else i saw today?

Lukewarm: What?

Golden Midget: A WackDonald's!

Lukewarm: Isn't there a WackDonald's where we live?

Golden Midget: yeah, but this one was selling hot wheels!

Lukewarm: Cool, What hot wheel did you get?

Golden Midget: i found one that was red with flames on it! it was dope!

Lukewarm: That's sweet, I could bring my hot wheels collection over sometime and we can race.

Golden Midget: heck yeah!

Golden Midget: how many do you have in my collection?

Lukewarm: Um.

Lukewarm: Two.

Golden Midget: woah! sweet dude, i wish i had that many in my collection.

Golden Midget: i only have 900

Lukewarm: Goldy, you have more than me.

Golden Midget: i think my dad is allergic to sugar.

Lukewarm: Why do you say that?

Golden Midget: well, yesterday, my dad sniffed some sugar and then he went crazy for a while. so, i'm pretty sure he's allergic to sugar.

Lukewarm: Goldy, are you sure it was sugar?

Golden Midget: well, that's what my mom told me. and my mom never lies unless it's to protect me.

Lukewarm: Um, right. It's definitely sugar.

Golden Midget: welp, anyways, that's all that happened.

Golden Midget: but ive only been here two days so i'm sure there's more to come.

Lukewarm: Welp, I'm glad your having fun.

Lukewarm: I miss you.

Golden Midget: aw, miss you too bud.

Golden Midget: bye!

Lukewarm: Bye.


I close my phone. I'm glad Goldy's having fun. Meanwhile I'm stuck here, just waiting for crime to happen. Problem is, it feels like there's hardly any crime these days. Maybe I could teleport to New York. After all, I have superpowers. Maybe I should visit Goldy. Meh. Maybe.....

Question Fo The Day!

Who is your guy's favorite Daycare side character?

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