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     Brian and I did some shopping before heading back home before our "mysterious visitor" arrives. I tidied the place up as Brian fiddled some notes on his guitar.
Knock knock
     "That must be them." I say aloud while drying the clean dishes. Brian hops out of our room and races towards the door.
     "I'll get it!" He hollers before opening the door. As the click of the handle open the front door I hear nothing for a solid 15 seconds.
     "Um, Brian? Is everything alright?" I ask from the kitchen raising my tone so he could hear me.
     "Uh...will you excuse me for a second.." I hear him say before hearing the door close. He appears from the hallway with a pale face and wide eyes.
     "What...what is it?" I ask feeling for worried towards his expression and behavior. I put the rag on the counter before approaching him.
     He leans in as I get closer before opening his mouth to speak. "It''s Lucy...." he whispers so quietly I could barely hear him but when I jaw drops and my heart sinks from anxiety.
     "What the bloody hell..." I mutter before charging towards the door angrily. I can't believe she would have the guts to show up at my house after all she's done to me. She freaking kidnapped me for crying out loud!
     I reopen the door to find a familiar blonde wearing a yellow summer dress and white flats outside my door. She turns her blue eyes to my fiery ones.
     "Oh...hello Izzy..." she calmly says as if our past didn't exist. I fold my arms and lean against the door frame.
     "What is it you want Lucy?" I ask in an annoying tone while shooting her a glare.
     "I know that your wondering why I'm here and...I deserve your fury but could I maybe come in and we" She asks nervously while twirling her hair like the desperate person she is.
I scrunch my nose before nodding and opening the door wider. The fact that she tried to steal my now fiancé and basically kidnap me makes my blood boil. She has NO right to be here! How did she even find our address?
As she slowly enters a wave of fear washes over me. What if she tries to...flirt with Brian? Oh not on my watch!
As I enter the living room, I see Brian offer her a seat. She politely takes it while Brian goes to make some tea. I watch as she squirms on the couch as if she's not patient to talk to me. I sit on the opposite couch away from her and make sure to leave some room for Brian.
We sit in silence until Brian comes over to us with a tray of biscuits and tea. As he takes a seat next to me I scoot closer just to make her a bit more jealous that she had lost and I had won. God I hated her with all I had. I even fold my hands in front of me so my ring was flashing.
She opens her mouth to speak as we sit and wait to hear what she has to say. "I just wanted to come see you two in person and apologize for everything I've done to you both. It was so...cruel of me to try and ruin both of your guy's life when you two deserved each other in the end. I am truly sorry Brian and Izzy."
Brian and I stare in disbelief. I feel Brian's hand wrap around my waist to try and comfort me. He knew inside I was fuming with rage.
"Uh...Lucy that's very kind of you but it was such a long time ago. We sorta moved on from it." He says squeezing my hand. Her eyes dart to my left hand with the ring on it. Her eyes grow wide as she sees what finger it's on.
"Thank you...Brian. Congratulations on your guys engagement. And to you Brian on the band. I tend to enjoy it very much." She says batting her eyelashes at him. Oh uh uh girl!
"Thank you Lu..."
"Thanks Lucy. We were thinking about maybe planning the wedding around January when we first met. Perhaps I'll invite you." I say sarcastically shooting her a look but instead oh glaring back she just smiles innocently.
"Oh thank you for the invite Iz. Maybe I'll visit one of your guy's shows soon. But anyway I just have to ask...Izzy? Can you please forgive me?" She asks changing the subject and turning to face me and my anger.
I pause for moment which was apparently too long because Brian bumps my elbow making me reply to her. "Oh uh yeah... sure." I reply turning away from her gaze. I could feel Brian's eyes pierce the back of my neck as I turn away. I knew he was mad at my behavior but why wouldn't I be? She fucking ruined my life!
Brian gets up to break the awkwardness floating around us. "Okay thank you Lucy for apologizing and visiting us. We have to get to a rehearsal soon if you'd please but thank you again." He says rushing his words and motioning her to the door in the most polite way possible.
I see him follow her to the door before hearing it shut and then stomping coming towards me. "What the bloody hell was that! Iz, you were suppose to be nice to her." He says but I continue to avoid his gaze. He sighs before walking around the couch so I could look at him. Bending down he lifts my chin with a finger so I have to look into his hazel eyes.
"Izzy. That was very rude of .."
"Oh don't even! She ruined my life! Why should I apologize or accept her stupid apology? She's done nothing but ruined my fucking life!" I shout getting up and storming away from him. I knew I went too far because when I look back he looks heartbroken from my words especially since I wasn't allowed to curse around him.
"Isabelle Marie Curry... you mustn't fight fire with fire. Now I understand you two have had some fights here and there but..."
"Get a clue Brian! She hates me and I hate her! She's trying to use you! You don't know the whole story because you came here senior year! She hurt me so much Brian! I almost killed myself...twice!!" That was when I stormed out the door towards the stairs than the hallway to the exit where I ran out to the cold London air.
I could hear him chasing after me while yelling my name but I didn't dare look back, I just kept running until...reporters started to flood the scene. Cameras flashed and questions were thrown at both of us until he finally caught up to me and walked me home. Somethings gonna be in the press tomorrow...

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now