Age Three

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1983, new year, new age

Queen's working on a new album called The Works. So far, it's going pretty well. Michael is now able to sorta say sentences now which means, Freddie and Roger need to cut the swearing for awhile.
I can't believe I'm saying this again but, John and Veronica had another child. A girl this time though. They had 3 kids born in the past 3 years. I swear, I don't know how she does it.
Freddie's... been a bit absent lately. Very absent actually. It's starting to worry me. With the lead singer not being there, there's technically no band at all. He better get his act together or else they actually might split up.
"Drag. For a music video." Brian repeats Rogers words hesitantly. We were all gathered in the studio, including Michael who loved the studio just as much as me.
"I think it's a great idea." Says freddie from the corner of the room smoking a cigarette. I try my best to keep Michael as far away from Freddie as possible, worrying the smoke might hurt his lungs.
"Thank you." Replies Roger bluntly before rolling his eyes at him.
"I'm not wearing bloody drag." Brian spats in a furious tone. His cheeks were red with embarrassment at the idea of him dressing as a women.
"Oh come on. It'll be fun." I say from the couch which Michael was on my lap.
"Nope. Not doing it." He declares slamming his fist in finalization of his decision. Then it was quite, not a sound was heard. That made us all feel awkward. "Someone turn on the radio or something." Demands Brian in his embarrassed state.
"Radio ga ga!" Shouts Michael from my lap as he plays with the chains on my neck. Suddenly Roger's head perks up as if he were a prairie dog. He then turns to Michael and eyes him funny.
"What did you say?" He asks the child who was almost choking me with the grasp on the necklaces.
"Radio Gaga!" He shouts again, hurrying off my lap and toddling around the studio towards Roger before grasping his leg and holding onto him.
A smile spreads across Rogers thin lips before picking him up and holding him in his arms. "You, my friend, are a genius!" He exclaims making him laugh and clap his hands excitedly.
"What?!" Asks Freddie from his side of the room. He pulls his sunglasses off and eyes Roger oddly. "What on earth are you talking about, Taylor?"
"I, just came up with what is to be a great song for this album." He says proudly making Freddie laugh hysterically.
"Oh lord! You can't write hits Taylor! That's for the actual musicians to do." He cackles, still laughing while the rest of us sit back quietly and say nothing.
"Freddie... stop it. Hear him out for once." I demand in a annoyed tone at the immature singer. He suddenly stops after hearing my words before Roger begins to state his idea.
"We could do another crowd joiner song. It can be about how television is taking over radio listeners by given them something to watch instead of listen to. The song can promote radios because they are the reason our record labels get out to the public." He says leaving all of us awestruck at the idea.
"Radio Gaga!" Michael shouts once again making Roger seem more proud than ever.
"Wow, that's... that sure is something Rog. And the title is going to be... Radio Gaga?" Brian says sounding astonished.
"Yeah. It can go something like... all we hear is, Radio Gaga, Radio Goo Goo, Radio Blah Blah. Y'know like the radio is spitting out news to us. And the audience can double clap on beat four of each measure of the chorus."
"I think it's a splendid idea." I reply nodding my head at the idea. "So like...all we hear is, clap clap, Radio Gaga, clap clap, Radio Goo Goo, clap clap, Radio Blah Blah, clap clap." I demonstrate trying to understand his concept. He nods in return smiling at the sound of what it would sound like.
"I think it's a load of bullocks!" Freddie announces standing up from his spot and putting his cigarette out. Roger sets down Michael as he approaches him. "You expect me to sing a song you just came up with by a 3 year old child?" He questions, chuckling at the thought.
"Says the one who wrote a song about bicycles which I must say was a complete flop." Snaps Roger making Freddie pull an expression of insult.
"It was a hit! Unlike your bloody song from Opera!"
Roger's jaw drops at the mentioning of his, so called, masterpiece from the album. "You take that back!" He commands pointing at finger at him angrily. "Or else... I'll... I'll do what I did last time!" He threatens, stuttering along the way.
All of our eyes grow wide, including mine for we all knew what Roger meant by that.
"Don't you dare..." Freddie mutters, his eyes filled with venom towards the scrawny drummer.
"Take it back..."
Roger snaps. He purses his lips before marching towards the small rack of keys and pulling one of them down. He then proceeds to make his way to the cupboard across the room and shoves himself into it before locking it from the inside.
"Oh for crying out loud Rog! Get the hell out of the bloody cupboard!"
"No! You made me do this! Now I won't come out until you approve of my song!"
"Fred! Watch your language!" Brian snaps at the mention of the word hell with Michael around.
"You don't tell me what to do! Roger get the..." I hurry over to Michael and place my hands over his ears so he wouldn't hear what Freddie had to say to the upset blonde.
"Freddie just give him a chance!" I spat at the singer who turns around angrily at me and scoffs at me.
"No! I can't be embarrassed anymore by the public!" He replies pointing a finger at me offensively.
"We've been embarrassed multiple times! You don't think we've been embarrassed by you? You are mistaken Freddie Mercury." The mother inside of me snaps as I stand up and march my way towards the annoying performer.
"What's so embarrassing about me?"
"I have a few instances Fred. Now let Roger have a chance. He may surprise you." I say more calmly this time as he eyed me bitterly.
"Nonsense..." He mutters, scoffing at my words. My eyes fill with rage towards him, Brian could tell.
"Izzy, I don't think..." he starts but I interrupt him by continuing to talk with Freddie.
"Am I going to have to threaten you Mr. Mercury?" I ask contemplating the idea inside my head.
"There's nothing you can take away that I love so much." He scoffs as a smile spreads across my lips.
"Oh yes there is." I smirk at my brilliant idea. "Y'know I could just leave right now, head out towards your house and take your precious Delilah." I threaten, his eyes grow wide and his breathing becomes heavy at my words.
"Don't you dare touch her..." He mutters only making me smile even more.
"Put the song on the album then."
"I also happen to know where your collection of Japanese liquor is held. I might take those as well."
"Don't you..."
"PUT THE SONG ON THE ALBUM FREDDIE!" I scream pointing my finger at the cupboard Roger was locked up in.
Freddie steps back in astonishment at my anger before raising his hands in a surrender. "Alright alright alright! Fine! Now come out Roger!"
A few clicks are heard from within the cupboard before a little blonde pokes his head out and shakily eyes the singer before climbing out.
"Thanks... Izzy." He finally says, getting up and shutting the cupboard.
"Mmhmm. Anytime Rog." I reply eyeing Fred annoyingly. 'He better change that attitude of his.'

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