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We lay in bed for a good hour as the men downstairs leave. The house sits peacefully as Brian and I sit under the covers in silence. He gently rubs my back while I gaze out the window at the beautiful flower-filled garden.
"So about the wedding..." He starts, making me sit up to look at him in confusion. "Are we actually gonna invite Lucy?"
I heave a heavy sigh before thinking about his question. 'If she did come, I guess it wouldn't really affect anything. Actually, if anything, she wouldn't know too many people so it would actually be on her if she wasn't gonna have a good time.' "Yeah sure." I reply allowing Brian's eyes to grow large in shock.
"Really? Ok." He shrugs before laying back down as I do the same. I curl up against him while inhaling his glorious scent, immediately bringing me comfort. "Are you stressing over something?" He asks randomly making me avert my gaze to him.
"I don't know... I feel like life's just being thrown at me. Everything is happening so fast... I can't keep up!" I rant, throwing my arms in the air dramatically as I have a mental breakdown.
"Shhhhh" He shushes quietly before softly chuckling. "You talk too much..." He whispers, crashing his lips onto mine before I could say anything in return.
'God I was so happy. Happy to be alive. Happy to be loved. Happy to be with Brian. Just happy. I haven't felt that in a long time.'
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask..." I begin to say making him lean in closer, clearly interested in what I was about to say. "What happened between Dom and... Roger?" I ask, hesitating at Rogers name.
Brian purses his lips before replying. "She left him. She... found out about..."
"No... so, who'll be my maid of honor?"
"Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out." He reassures me before hugging me tightly.



Lucy's POV

I needed a plan. Something to spice up their wedding but not something that would be too easy. People were already receiving invitations while I waited patiently for mine to come. I heard it was gonna be hosted at a hill "under the stars."
Um... yawn! Make it a beach or a bar but why a hill? I'll get mosquito bites! Anyways, I still needed a plan and good thing I had just come up with one.
Without a doubt, there's gonna be some sort of source of light before the stargazing. And since it's outdoors... it's probably gonna be either torches or lanterns. I mean, they must have some sort of taste.
Well you can probably already guess what's gonna happen. Open flame, flammable table cloths, equals recipe for disaster. My specialty.
Maybe after, Izzy will finally learn that I'm the Alfa and I own her. She doesn't deserve happiness. She deserves to go to hell! And to hell she'll go.


Izzy's POV
"Y'know... I was thinking about maybe going to college to finish school. I should at least get a degree in something." I say as he nods his head in understanding.
"It might be a good idea for you. Who knows, maybe the band might fall and we won't have a way of making money. Just something to think about it all." He replies with a sigh at the thought of his family breaking up.
"Yeah and..."
Ding dong!
We both dart our heads to the door where the doorbell from downstairs was ringing. I quickly jump out of bed and get dressed as well as Brian. We both make our way out the room and to the stairs that lead to the mysterious guest.
As we answer the door, I see a sad, tired looking blonde on our front porch. Roger.
"Oh, Rog... I, told you I was busy." Brian stammers as Roger stares up at him with glossy, droopy eyes. The blue was almost gone from his eyes, they were so red I couldn't tell. 'Had he been crying?'
"I... I know Brian but, please mate. I really need a friend right now..." Roger sniffs, Brian slowly grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to himself.
"How much have you drank?" Brian sighs in almost annoyance as Roger tries to remember his drink count.
"5 bottles of vodka." He replies softly as if his voice was beginning to fade as well.
"Jesus, Alright come in." Brian finalizes as Roger slips past us and into the house's interior. He looks around in awe at the inside as I quickly take the stairs up to our room so Roger and Brian could be alone.
I hurry in the room before shutting the door and taking a seat on the bed. 'Dom really left...what if she tells the press about her break up with blondie down there? God, so much can go wrong.'
Suddenly I hear a slight ringing from downstairs before it seizes and a voice follows after it. I get up and open the door before looking down from the railing to see Brian on the phone near the living room.
He nods his head before looking up to make eye contact with me. He raises his pointer figure, motioning me to come downstairs. I do as he says and quickly hurry down the flights of stairs before finally reaching him.
"Yep, she's right here..." he says, handing the phone to me with shaky hands. 'What's going on?'
"Isabelle Marie Curry! You should be ashamed of yourself!" I hear a familiar yet angry voice belt out through the phone.
"Mom... I..."
"I don't want to hear it! How could you do that to such a nice gentleman?! Especially one that proposed to you for gods sake Iz, what were you thinking!?"
I didn't say anything, I knew it wasn't my place to try and argue back with her. It wouldn't do any good.
" did you, find out?" I stutter into the phone, waiting patiently for her response.
"How did I find out?! It's all over the bloody news! Future wife of rockstar cheats with bandmate claims Queens drummer's girlfriend!"
The words hit me like a thousand bricks. 'Dom... went to the tabloids... damn it...' I stand as still as a statue as Brian looks at me through the corner of his eye.
"Mother I have to go, but I want you to know...." I turn around and bring the phone closer to my lips so the boys don't hear. "What I did... was the worst thing I've ever done and I regret it everyday. Mother I almost killed myself. You have to understand I'm just as disappointed as you."
"You tried to what?!"
"Bye mom..." with that I place the phone back on its cradle allowing me to release a big breath of air that I hadn't known was holding in the entire time.
I also noticed a small tear fall on my cheek as I continue to stand by the phone silently. I hear Brian get up from the couch and slowly approach me. He gently holds my waist before leaning towards my ear.
"I hate to do this but I'm going to go upstairs real quick. You and Roger should talk." He whispers while wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my neck.
With that, he unravels himself and heads up the stairs like he had said. I watch as he disappears into our room, leaving Roger and I alone.
I turn to face him staring at the ground nervously. Heaving a sigh I make my way over to him, taking a seat right next to the lonesome blonde. He turns to me with the same red eyes from before, except this time, I was able to see the blue in them.
"I'm sorry Roger..." I manage to say, trying to break the awkwardness hanging in the air. He doesn't say anything but instead continues to eye me puzzlingly.
"It's not your fault..." he mumbles in a raspy voice, turning his head away from me and averting his eyes back to the dull floor.
Just then I remembered something. "Hey..." I say pulling a smile as he turns his head back to me. Grabbing the collar of my shirt, I pull it down until the shared tattoo was visible.
He smiles at the marking before doing the same. We both smile at our shared ink as the memories flow back into our minds. "We're both guilty for what we did..." I say making his smile disappear as I move back to the topic. "Roger just because we aren't a thing doesn't mean I care for you just as much as anyone else."
"I'm sorry Izzy..." he whispers almost so quietly I couldn't hear. I purse my lips together at his words.
"I'm sorry too Rog..." is all I'm able to say.

Authors note
K so I realized that some of you might be confused with some of the plot or characters. If you guys have any questions please feel free to comment on this chapter or message me. If I have enough questions I might do a whole chapter dedicated to a Q and A. Even if you have a question about me, I will be sure to answer it anyway. Thank you! Love you all!

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now