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I lay in bed as Brian showers me with kisses, tickling me here and there. Giggling at the small sensations along my neck, I try my hardest not to squirm. He continues to kiss me on the mattress until I couldn't take it any more.
     "Brian, lord! It tickles so much!" I cry as he continues. I feel him smile as his lips meet my sensitive neck. I don't even know what we were doing, we were just lying in bed, exhausted from doing absolutely nothing.
     I curl up into a small ball as he continues to hit the sweet spots. He then wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "What's gotten into you?" I chuckle as he begins to suck a bit, probably leaving a small love bite behind.
     "What's wrong with showing affection towards you?" He asks back, totally dodging my question. He slowly began to play with the hem of my pants. 'Apparently he's horny at the moment.'
"Brian dear, if you want to right now, you could just asked." I mumble as I start to feel a bit turned on as well. He moans into my neck, slowly easing his way up my shirt.
"What makes you think I'm feeling it right now?" He replies with yet again another question. I smile and slightly shake my head sarcastically at his response.
"Okay, that's enough." I finalize before turning over on the bed so I now face him. I smile before pressing my lips against his in nothing but want for him.
     He kisses back, tugging impatiently on my shirt, wanting it off my body immediately. I smile in between the kiss as this act continues until he final succeeds.
     "God your feeling very touchy today aren't you?" I giggle as he holds me close against him while still tenderly kissing every inch of my desperate body.
     Ding dong!
     "You've got to be fucking kidding me..." Brian mutters before getting up from the bed and marching out the room down the hall. That must've been the first time I've ever heard him swear in years.
     I put on my shirt and hurry after him down the stairs towards the front doors. Brian angrily opens the door to find none other than Roger Taylor.
     I could already feel his anger increase as Roger stands awkwardly at the door. Seeing Roger already made me a bit uncomfortable as his eyes averted to me than back at his bandmate.
     Pressing my lips together with red painted on my cheeks, I quickly go back up the stairs to the bedroom, avoiding the conflict that could possibly occur downstairs. But... in spite of not wanting to get involved, I might've eavesdropped a bit.
"What the hell do you want Roger?" I hear Brian's voice ask from down the story of the house.
"A place to stay..." he replies awfully shyly.
'Oh... my... god...' my stomach drops as well as the rest of my body as I feel almost a weight being thrown on top of me. 'Oh god please let this be a joke..."
"What the hell?! No! You have a house.. you have money. Use it mate!" I hear Brian reply in a harsh tone. I could almost feel his anger towards him.
"Brian... Dominque, she took everything. I won't have money until the tour comes around which even then won't be enough for me to live by. Brian please... Freddie's gone mad, John and Veronica are not willing to let a drunk like me live with them and..."
"What makes you think I'm willing to?" He interrupts allowing Roger to stop in mid sentence.
"Because... your my mate. My best friend since high school. Please don't give up on me now."
I lean in closer to hear Brian's response. With a long sigh and probably some hard core thinking he finally replies.
"Your an ass. Get inside." I finally hear him say allowing my heart to officially drop to the ground. 'What the hell?!'
I race back into the room, grab a magazine, and lay across the bed with the article in hand. Opening to a random page, I pretend to read as the two make their way up the stairs.
"K, this is the guest bedroom. Wait did you even bring luggage?"
"Oh yeah it's in the cab." I hear Rogers higher voice reply as I grit my teeth in frustration of the whole situation. Finally, I hear their footsteps reach the bedroom in which I was in.
"Alright then, uh this is our room which shouldn't be a problem to you..." Brian adds as he introduces our room. I look up from my "reading" and smile at the two before going back to the article over I think Led Zeppelin.
I catch the glimpse of Roger shyly smiling back before continuing down the hall to the next rooms. 'Damn, Brian's gonna probably show him the room for the baby.'
Pressing my lips together, I begin to eavesdrop again.
"And this room is... off limits to anyone except Izzy and I. So don't go snooping in there or else I will kick you out Taylor." I hear him explain before continuing the tour.
'Damn, didn't think he would actually not tell him.'
Getting bored of pretending to not be able to roam my own house, I get up and walk out the room towards the stairs where they took me to the living room. Switching on the tele, a news report comes on about Queen.
"Queens lead singer, Freddie Mercury, Gay?"
I immediately shut it off, not wanting to know anything else about the stupid news reports. Releasing a long sigh, I hear footsteps patting down the stairs towards me.
I turn to find Brian walking towards me with frustration written all over his face. Taking a seat on the couch with me, he deeply exhales before saying what he had to say.
"So... um, Mr. Taylor will be staying with us for... awhile." He sighs unable to grasp what he had just said.
"So I've heard." I reply with a stern yet annoyed expression on my face. He grabs ahold of my hand and holds it in his.
"I'll be setting some rules for him. And I promise you he won't be a trouble. It is though gonna be hard to um... have our fun with him next door." He mumbles, pursing his lips at the idea of us having to have like a scheduled time to make love.
     "Jesus Christ..." I mutter already upset with the rules that were literally just put in place.
     "It'll be okay. At least the baby isn't here yet. That would be an absolute no." He says making me chuckle a bit at his terrible sense of humor.
     "Alright alright fine." I finally say as I let the fact of my "ex" so to say, staying with me in my house. 'I already regret my decision.'

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now