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I stare in disbelief at his question. "Roger... you can't kiss me. I'm sorry." I reply before breaking my gaze away from him and standing up from the ground. Taking the towel and jacket, I toss them both in the laundry basket next to the closet that held the machinery to clean them.
He doesn't move a muscle as my response washes over him. I suddenly felt bad, but not bad enough to change my mind that's for sure.
"C'mon now. Your not gonna sleep on the stairs tonight." I chuckle at my own sense of humor before carefully lifting him by the arm and helping him up the stairs.
     I lead him to his room making sure to be as quiet as possible. Helping him to the bed I catch a glance at the clock reading 12:16 allowing me to sigh in exhaustion.
     Before he gets on the bed, I notice he was covered it mud still. Not wanting to have to wash sheets or have him sleep in such dirty conditions, I stop him from sitting and try to talk to him.
     "Roger, your too dirty. Are you able to change into clean clothes by yourself?" I ask pronouncing each word harder so he could understand me through his drunken state.
     "W...what?" He replies in a groggy voice as he rubs his tired eyes. 'You've got to be fucking kidding me.'
     "Alright. You stay here. I'll be back." I sigh, taking my hands off his arms and making my way towards his suitcase which he hasn't unpacked yet for some reason. I rummage around until I find a clean button up. I assumed he slept in his underwear so I didn't bother looking for shorts.
     I return to find him...crying. He stands by the bed with tears streaming down from his blue orbs. "Roger..." I whisper as I hurry back to him and cup his sullen face. I gently wipe away the water droplets as he stares into my eyes. "It's okay, you don't need to cry..."
     "It's not...that." He stutters, his words sounding long and stretched. "I...met a girl."
     My eyes grow wide in shock. "That's great. What's her name?" I ask trying to distract him from the fact I was unbuttoning his shirt in the most non sexual way I could.
     "Beautiful name. Do you like her?" I continue to ask while I slip the stained shirt from his shoulders revealing his bare chest.            
     He replies with only a shrug as I toss the dirty shirt across the room. Fanning open the clean shirt, I wrap it around him and help him slide his arms through the sleeves. 'Now...for the pants...I hope he forgets all of this by morning.'
     "Roger," I say making him look up into my slightly scared eyes as I finished putting his shirt on, leaving some chest open so it doesn't get too uncomfortable. "Look at me, Okay?" I demand as I move my shaky hand towards his belt allowing his eyes to avert down at my hands. "No, look at me Rog." I demand, his eyes moving back up to mine. "I'm just gonna help you get dressed. Just look at me the entire time, okay?" He nods in approval before I undo the belt and slide it off from around his waist.
     My damp curls hung over my face as my hands lead towards the zipper of his pants, making him slightly jolt at the touch. "Your Okay, just keep looking at me darling." I encourage as I quickly slide the pants down his legs, leaving him only in his underwear. "Okay, I need you to step out of them alright?" He nods in return as he steps of the pants. I kick them away from the bed before helping him onto the mattress.
As I lift the covers, for him to pass out under, he grabs ahold of my waist and pulls me close to him. I stare in shock as he hugs me as if a toddler would.
"Alright Rog, c'mon," I say trying to get him off my torso but he wouldn't budge.
"Please don't leave me..." he whispers into my stomach as I felt little spots of tears soak through my already damp shirt.
"I'll just be next door dear." I reply twirling a finger around a short strand of blonde.
"Please..." he cries in a whisper resulting in me heaving a heavy sigh and agreeing.
"Alright, but you can't do anything you'd regret."
     "Alright." He agrees letting go of my waist enabling my breathing again. He lays down on the bed curled into a ball as I cover him with the blankets. I bend down next to the bed as I give him my presence, the only thing I could possibly give him.
     I lean my head against the frame of the bed as the sounds of our breathing fills the room. I suddenly hear him raise his head and reach down for my hand, intertwining it in his. He lays back down on his stomach, his head turned towards me, and his arm dangling off the bed with my hand in his. I don't say anything, I just continue to sit with our hands knitted together as he closed his eyes.    
     About half an hour passes before the drunk blonde finally passes out and his grip becomes nonexistent. I took the opportunity to carefully and quietly leave his room. As I make my way down the hall, around 1 am, I notice the light from the lamp shining out from our bedroom.
     Making my way towards the room, I see Brian writing in his journal while under the dim light. I awkwardly enter the room making Brian look up from his writing with a small smile on his face.
     "So..." he starts as I climb in bed next to him. "Will we be needing a new drummer?" He asks with a chuckle as I bury myself in the blankets.
     "Not this time. Maybe the next though." I joke as I cuddle up next to him. He lets out a small chuckle before closing his book and placing it in the nightstand like always.
     "Good to hear. Good night my darling." He says while shutting off the lamp and planting a small kiss on my forehead before cuddling up next to me as well.
     'God I hope he forgets everything tomorrow.'

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now