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I wake up in a hospital with the four boys surrounding me in chairs sleeping. I squint as my eyes as I try to adjust to the light. Brian looks up from the ground and grows wide eyed.
"Izzy..." He says before practically jumping out of his seat and hugging me from the side of my hospital bed. The rest look up as he does so and surround my bed as well. "Oh god, I thought I lost you..." He crises still hugging me and kissing my wired arm with fluids flowing through them.
"What...what happened?" I ask my voice raspy from sleep. Roger looks at me from the opposite side of the bed with red dry eyes. He was crying.
"You had a minor heart attack from apparently too much adrenaline in the heart." John explains in his soft voice before looking down at the bed.
"Is that even possible?" I reply giggling at his explanation.
"Apparently So. They said it was from either the concert or some sorta of mental influence." Brian explains before pulling away and looking at me with soft glossy eyes.
"But I've been to multiple concerts. And I haven't been stressing over...anything." I reply just as the remembrance of Rogers confession flashed through my mind.
"It doesn't matter. The good thing is that your safe and alive darling." Freddie says as he tries to wipe away his dripping black tears.
     "When can I leave?"
     "I guess soon. The doctor didn't really say anything." Brian explains looking back at the boys as the shake their heads in response. For some reason, Roger stays quiet as they all continue to comfort me.
     "Well let's go.." I say sitting up and throwing my blankets off.
     "Woah woah woah dear. I'm not sure..." Freddie starts as I begin to rip the tube out of me and hopping down from the bed.
     "Sweetheart I don't you should be..." Brian begins but I interrupt him.
     "Where are my clothes?" I ask looking around the room while in my hideous hospital gown. "Ahh I don't need it. C'mon, back to the club we go."
     "Darling, it's 5 in the morning. You've been asleep for 6 hours." Roger finally speaks up making me stop in my tracks and stare at him with a shocked expression.
     "I...what?! Really?"
     "Yeah and we've been up from that 6 hours." Brian says with tired eyes. "You wait here, I'll go talk to a doctor." He says before heading out to the deserted hallways.
     "John we should go fetch some air. We'll be back hon." Freddie says pulling confused John out of the room as well, leaving Roger and I alone.
     "You actually waited here for me?" I ask breaking the silence. Roger looks at me as if I spoke a different language.
"Of course! God, Izzy I'd wait a life time just to make sure you were all right." He rages but not in a angry way, more of a sad way to be honest.
"Oh Roger..." is all I mange to say as the blondes eyes began to turn glossy again. "Hey it's alright. I'm okay. You have nothing to worry about..."
"But I caused it. I confessed my feelings towards you and that made your heart overreact. I shouldn't have said anything." He mumble turning away from me and staring out into the vast city from the window.
"Your blind Taylor." I giggle making him spin back around towards me. "If I had a heart attack from thinking about you...that must mean something." I say before smiling a comforting smile at him.
He slowly walks over and takes a seat on the edge of the bed next to me. He looks up from the ground to me with a hint of sadness in his poor blue eyes.
"What're you saying...?" He mumbles in a soft tone.
"It means I care about you and your emotions Rog. I love you too much to ignore your precious feelings." I say before setting a hand on his shoulder making him sit up a bit straight.
He looks at me then down at my lips. 'Oh lord...' with one hand he brushes a curl from my face to behind my ear. His hand then caresses my face sending shivers down my spine.
"Can I Please kiss you..?" He whispers only inches away from my lips. My breathing began to speed up at the question. I had 3 options come to mind. 1: run out the door towards Brian. 2: politely say no and just peck him on the cheek. Or 3: give him a friendly but passionate kiss on his small lips.
'Oh god oh god oh god.' My mind thought as the options circled my head, taunting me with the possible outcomes for each one. In the end I decided with one of them.
I took a small breath before crashing my lips onto his. He kissed passionately back, his lips filled with all the love he had towards me. My hands ended up getting tangled in his blonde locks as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.
'This was the wrong choice...this was the wrong choice...' my mind shouted at me. My brain was disappointed at my action, but my heart... my heart was as happy as a bee.
Our lips separated allowing us to just stare into each other's eyes. "Your never gonna experience that again Taylor.." I whisper while shooting him a smile.
"We'll see miss curry...we'll see." He replies before taking his arms off of me making me feel rather...lonely? 'It must be the warmth escaping my body.' I convince myself.
Just then we hear approaching footsteps so Roger darts back to the window as Brian opens the door.
"Well, your free to go love." Brian says unaware of anything suspicious. I flash him a comforting smile before giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. I open my eyes during the kiss to see Roger staring at us. I shoot him a wink before breaking the kiss.
"Great! Thank you darling. The others are waiting outside. C'mon then." I say getting out of bed and heading out the door with the boys behind me.
As we waited in the elevator, thoughts kept my mind busy. 'I think I just did that to make him feel better. I didn't mean to show affection towards him and if I did then it was a mistake and it won't happen again.' I reassure myself. The more I tell myself that it didn't mean anything, the more I thought if it actually did.
Am I having feelings towards Roger?

My Love, Brian May {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now