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"Pretty good Bri. Although we'll need to add some back ups to it and maybe some more bass." Freddie compliments while taking a drink of beer from the bottle in his hand.
"I was also thinking more of an.. Elvis theme to it for the video. It already sounds like the 50s if you put all of it together..."
"Woah woah Brian, this isn't the 50s. This is the late 70s we can't dress up as El..."
"Who says we can't? It'll be fun, the crowd'll love it."
This went on for hours I swear. Deaky, Roger, and I slouch on the couch as the two argue their sides of the song. I release a heavy sigh before speaking my side of this disagreement.
"Fred, it's Brian's work. Let him choose what's done." I interfere making them both avert their gaze to me. Freddie's eyes glare at me in anger.
"I suggest you stay out of it Izzy or you might lose your job..." He mutters allowing Brian to quickly eye him in anger as he takes yet another gulp of alcohol.
"Hey, you don't talk to her like that!" Brian snaps while slowly but angrily approaching him. Freddie turns to him with a small smirk on his face.
"I can say whatever the fuck I want." He replies, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it between his lips. Brian presses his lips together in rage at Freddie's words as he blows a cloud of smoke into his face. Brian looked furious as he did so.
"You don't make decisions for the band. Queen is a partnership task..." Brian mumbles in a softer tone, not wanting to start a fist fight.
"Queen is whatever I say it is!" Freddie barks making all of us shake our heads in annoyance. Brian was about to reply before I got up and stopped him.
"It's clear..." I say loudly so they could all pay attention to me instead of themselves. "That we're all getting a bit worked up and need a break. We'll continue this discussion tomorrow Fred. C'mon Bri." I say, grabbing Brian's hand and leading him out of the studio.
As we reach the outside, I make sure to grasp his arm tightly allowing him to follow me to our car parked in the lot. "Izzy, wait!" He demands pulling back resulting me to stop and turn back to look at him.
"What?" I ask in a slightly annoyed tone. He raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms at my attitude.
     "Now, lets not get that way. He's just... not himself lately." He pauses, unsure on how to describe Freddie's rotten behavior.
     "I'm just tired of it is all. Besides I need to get back to the house. Apparently my mother is coming over in an hour." I reply, whipping around back towards the car as he freezes in his stance, wide eyed.
"What?!" Brian asks in a loud tone as I climb into the drivers seat.
"Oh you've got nothing to worry about. It's me she's come for. It's me who's gonna get my ass kicked in my own house." I mumble sarcastically, with a hint of anger in my voice as I start the car. I look up at him and motion him to the passenger seat before shutting my car door.
     The whole ride back to the house was terribly silent. No one said a word, afraid of what might emerge if it was to be done. But finally, we reach the house with a familiar car waiting in the driveway as we pull in.
As we exit the vehicle and approach the house, my mother opens the door before I have a chance to grasp the handle.
"Hi Brian! And a hello to you too Izzy." She says, smiling brightly against the door frame as we stand awkwardly to the side.
"Hi... mom." I reply in a low annoyed tone as I walk past her to slip into my house, in which she had no reason to enter without permission in the first place.
"Hello Mrs. Curry." I hear Brian say as I'm kicking off my shoes and setting the keys on the nearby table.
"Your just as charming as I remember you being." She replies as I take a seat on the couch, patiently waiting for her little game to end. I knew exactly what she was doing; trying to make me feel bad about what I had done to him.
She closes the door before awkwardly following Brian to the couch where I sat in my irritated state. Brian, of course, takes a seat by me while my mother takes the couch across from us.
"So..." I start, wanting the awkwardness to fade away. "Why have you come here, mom?" I ask, wanting to know what her initial intent was.
She straightens her back and takes a breath before responding. "Well, I just wanted to check on the two of you. I've been seeing a lot of... drama in the news lately so I just wanted to make sure you two were doing alright." She lies. I knew she was lying. I was her daughter, I knew everything bit about her.
"It's very generous of you Mrs. Curry but," he pauses before slipping his hand into mine, creating a tight grasp also allowing her to look down at the hand holding. "We've been doing just fine the two of us." He finishes followed by a peck on my cheek.
I blush as he does so making my mom smile shamefully at the action. 'What was her problem?' I look down at my hands holding his as I try to release the tension from my body. 'Your fine. Just... don't be... weird.'
"That's absolutely lovely." She replies, flashing a very enthusiastic smile, making me feel rather uncomfortable. "Izzy, do you mind if I talk to you in the other room? It'll only be for a second." She asks, assuring Brian afterwards.
Pressing my lips together hesitantly, I nod and get up, releasing my grasp on Brian. She follows and leads me to the kitchen where she takes her stance; arms crossed, hip out, face stern.
"What?" I ask, breaking the tension in the air as she glares at me.
"You have no idea how lucky you are you spoiled child..." 'oh boy, here we go.' "He loves you so very much, and yet you still find the need to throw his love away like it's nothing." She mutters making my flip switch in anger.
"You don't think I know that?!" I snap back in a low tone so he wouldn't hear from the other room. "Mother, I love him so very much..."
"Than start acting like it." She interrupts me before walking back to the living area, leaving me speechless.
     I shake it off and follow her closely behind. As I enter the living room, I see her say goodbye to Brian and give him a hug before approaching me.
     "Goodbye darling. Love you." She says before giving me a hug as well in which I puzzlingly accepted.
     "Bye mom." I finally say before she's out the door, smiling at Brian lastly before doing so.
     "Well," Brian says aloud as she pulls out of our driveway. "That could've gone a lot worse than it had been." He continues, heaving a deep sigh shortly after.
     "Yep. It sure could've." I reply while still eyeing the door in which she left in. 'Glad that's over.'

Omg I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been so busy with studying for finals that I lost track! Please understand darlings. I will try and post more often, especially since I have 3 days of school left. Thank you! Love you all!

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